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麦田守望者与西京学子们一起成长!Xijing wheat fields and watch students grow up!

学用结合,学以致用,是一个学子不懈的追求。Learning to use and using to learn is our pursues.

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1811年,英国伊顿公学学子举行了八人赛艇比赛。Eton boys were competing in eights in England in 1811.

学子们这样的越轨行为真是见所未见。Never has there been such unbridled license among the scholars.

我希望每个学子在和谐嘹亮的歌声中健康成长!I hope everyone can grow up healthily with the harmonious songs.

这是我写的心愿卡,祝愿外小的学子像小飞侠一样勇敢自由。This is my wish card. I wish my classmates brave like Peter Pan.

许多画界学子纷纷负笈留洋,向西方学习。Many Chinese painters went abroad to learn Western painting skills.

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欢迎全国各地有志学子来我院麻醉系学习!Welcome the students with ideal all over the country to study here!

提出了基于光学子波变换的多通道纹理图象分割技术。A scheme for texture segmentation with multi-channel OWT is proposed.

不敢高声语啊!怕惊扰了前朝学子的读书梦。No loud talking to disturb the dream of the students of the old time.

刺玫花又开了,我们的学子们在准备什么呢?Rosa flowers and opened, and our students are in preparation for what?

这是我写的心愿卡,祝愿外小的学子像匹诺曹一样知错能改诚实善良。This is my wish card. I wish my classmates honest and kind like Pinocchio.

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讲座吸引了华南理工大学的莘莘学子,座无虚席。The lecture attracted many students of South China University of Technology.

上海复旦学子于毕上月毕业礼。Fudan University students at their graduation ceremony in Shanghai last month.

我想,这里或许是理工学子在周末可以消磨时间的地点。Perhaps, this is the place for USM Eng Campus students to spend their weekend.

想当年,要是学子敢如此不恭,就得先挨柴禾棒子痛打,再用柴禾棒子活活烧死。In my day they would have first been beaten with sticks, and then burnt on them.

这是我写的心愿卡,祝愿外小的学子像沉香一样孝顺仁毅。This is my wish card. I wish my classmates filial and confident like Chengxiang.

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一代代学子都被要求背诵鲁迅脍炙人口的作品和词句。Generations of schoolchildren have been forced to memorise his most famous works.

有些学子竟这样对一个市民出言不逊!Out upon these graceless scholars who dare to address a burgher in such a manner!

因为上大学是莘莘学子第一次走出家门,开始的独立生活。This is the first time that they go out of the home and began a independent life.