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他说,对他们来说,这次震灾是很大的。He says this was big for them.

在震灾最重的地区,几乎所有家畜丧失殆尽。In the worst-affected areas, nearly all the livestock were lost.

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在该家药店旁边一商店,人们挤到商店的电视机前收看震灾细节。Crowds gathered in front of televisions in a shop next to the drugstore for details.

上校说他知道他的家庭没事,他认为智利将安然度过这场震灾,他充满信心。He said he knew his family was OK and expressed confidence that Chile would ride out the disaster.

在震灾后,很多当地居民都在家里放水瓶,作为余震“预报”。After the devastating quake, many locals have put bottles in their house as a "forecaster" of aftershocks.

强震动观测是震灾预防与地震应急的重要基础。Strong motion observation is an important basis of earthquake disaster prevention and earthquake emergency response.

我们正在收集有关这次严重震灾、地震位置以及海地人民受灾情况的信息。We are still gathering information about this catastrophic earthquake, the point of impact, its effect on the people of Haiti.

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本次震灾的遇难者人数尚未最终确认,不过日本媒体报道伤亡将达到上千人。The exact number of victims of the disaster is still unknown, however Japanese media report that casualties will be over a thousand.

目前估计死亡总人数超过7万人,震灾地区很少家庭无人丧生。With a death toll currently estimated at more than 70 000, few families in the earthquake-affected areas escaped the loss of human life.

历年来地震灾损报告中显示,低矮型钢筋混凝土校舍是震损高危险群。The recent reconnaissance reports revealed that the low-rise reinforced concrete school buildings were particularly vulnerable structures.

目前,已摸清了600多个社区组织的情况,它们将积极参与震灾、恢复和重建工作。More than 600 CBOs have already been inventoried and are poised to participate actively in the relief, recovery and reconstruction efforts.

震度微区图可以在建筑物规划之前提供有关资料,作为建筑师参考,以达到减低震灾损失之目的。The map can also provide more related information for architect before planning building to reduce the losses of earthquake to the minimum.

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此次的销售额全部通过日本大使馆作为日本红十字公司,东日本大震灾义捐钱被捐献。All proceeds from the sushi sales and donations were delivered to the Japan Red Cross for the East Japan earthquake through the Embassy of Japan in China.

日本汽车厂商尚未就减产对获利的冲击给出估值,但自震灾发生后分析师已经调降了对这些企业的业绩预估.Japanese automakers have not forecast what impact the production cuts will have on earnings, but analysts have been slashing forecasts since the disaster.

由于所处背景不大相同,日本新感觉派有“震灾文学”之称,而中国新感觉派则被称为“洋场文学”。New sensational school in Japan was named "seismic literature", while was named "recreational literature" in China, because of their different background.

日本央行上周拒绝进一步放松货币政策,表明其预计日本将以较快步伐从震灾引发的经济下滑中复苏.Japan's central bank held off on further monetary easing this past week, a sign that it expects a relatively quick rebound from the disaster-induced slump.

结论在地震灾容后成批烧伤病人的救治过程中,只要处置措施得当、治疗方法正确,可以取得满意的效果。Conclusion if the disposal measures are appropriate during the remedy of batches of fire burn patients suffering from earthquake, the results would be satisfying.

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世行集团正向海地派遣专家,与海地政府及其国际合作伙伴一道,对重建需求和震灾损失进行评估,并对恢复和重建工作进行规划。The World Bank Group is sending experts to work with the Government and its international partners to assess needs and losses and plan for recovery and reconstruction.

海地政府和捐款国通过参考震灾损失和重建需求评估,可以决定资金援助总额和重点援助领域。Such damage and reconstruction needs assessments are used by the government and donors to determine the amount of financial assistance needed and how it will be targeted.

日本城市公园绿地在历次震灾中都发挥了避难疏散的重要作用,成为市民可利用的安全有效的防灾减灾空间。In many of the past earthquakes in Japan, the urban parks played important roles in seeking refuge and evacuating , providing safe and effective disaster-prevention space.