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空白的。It was blank.

所以这里是一个空白表格。So here's a blank.

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画纸仍旧是一片空白。Her paper was empty.

我们空白接受鄙视。Our blank in scorning.

以下内容空白。The following is blank.

密码保留空白。Leave the password blank.

你的想象可能一片空白。You probably draw a blank.

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一个CD刻录机和一张空白的CD。A CD burner and a blank CD.

而且华尔街得到的还是张空白支票。And that was a blank check.

每个字后面均留空白。Leave a blank after each word.

听闻超越记忆,空白一片!Hearing oblivion beyond memory!

分析试剂空白溶液和所有样品。Analyze the LRB and all samples.

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本准则针对这一空白。The guidelines address this gap.

如果没有空白,将以条纹表现。If not nul, it will form stripes.

请给我一张空白的电报单!Give me a telegraph blank, please !

请选择一个非空白的暱称。Please choose a non empty nickname.

按下空白键来吃掉数字。Press the spacebar to eat a number.

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选择一双空白的鞋子.Start with your blank pair of TOMS.

这部著作试图填补一项空白。The work is intended to fill a void.

我没有一点主意。思想里空白的一片。一点谱也没有。I have no idea. It is blank in my mind.