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那么为什么选榕树呢?So why Banyan?

之前见过有榕树气根被剪,或者被人「扎辫」,觉得好痛心。BTW, do you think the aerial roots have been cut?

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很多年以前,福州大面积种植榕树,这就是它得名榕城的原因。That is the reason that it is called Banyan city.

近处的榕树银杏经过雨水的滋润之后更显得光鲜。Leaves of banyans nearby are so bright after the rain wash.

福州的榕树象征着平安吉祥、造福荫庇、和合和谐。Banyan in Fuzhou indicates safety, luck, benefit and harmony.

这些都是榕树乐于赞同亚洲的价值观。Those are Asian values to which Banyan will happily subscribe

榕树即代表了亚洲的精神又代表了其经济意识。The banyan spans Asia’s spirituality and its entrepreneurialism.

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BASSAM则喜欢光大的榕树,环境优美!BASSAM likes the brilliant banyan fig, the environment is exquisite!

在德宏榕树在所有树种中站的比重最大。In virtue Hong banyan the proportion that stood in all tree kinds biggest.

现代化的前门有着沉重的木柱,榕树叶爬满房子的外墙。A modern entry with heavy timbers and ficus foliage on the walls of the house.

三三两两的鸟雀不时在榕树上空盘旋鸣叫。There are small knots of birds frequently hovering and cherupping over the tree.

前往通宵海水浴场的路。你可以看到路上上百棵的老榕树。The way leads us to Tung-Hsiao Beach Resort. You can see 100 banyans along the road.

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现代化的前门有着沉重的木柱,榕树叶爬满房子的外墙。A modern portal with cumbersome timbers and ficus leaf aboard the walls of the house.

佛是在菩提树下悟道的,菩提又名榕树。The Bodhi tree, under which Buddha attained enlightenment, was a banyan by another name.

佛是在菩提树下悟道的,菩提又名榕树。The Bodhi tree, under which Buddha attained enlightenment, was a banyan by another name.

我见过不少的大榕树,但是像这样大的榕树我却是第一次看见。I had seen many enormous banyans before, but it was the first time I saw such a gigantic one.

高大的榕树,长出无数气根,像维吾尔族小姑娘的辫子一样。Tall banyan tree, grow numerous aerial roots, like the Uighurs, like a little girl's pigtails.

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雕塑哄骗榕树根脉为造型元素,并以简便方正的工业化造型作为举座呈现方式。The sculpture is designed by using tree roots to show the simplified industriingiz feuponures.

在总兵府前,有两棵榕树,左边一棵为“郑成功招兵树“。Zong Bing in the House, before the two banyan tree, left a "Zheng Chenggong recruitment tree."

秋天,榕树一些叶子变黄了,秋婆婆深深地吹了一口气。Autumn, , banyan tree leaves turn yellow, autumn mother-in-law deeply breathed a sigh of relief.