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也在追悼我们的爱情。And mourn for our love.

梦中的未来悲恸哀泣,追悼失落的明天。And through the dream the future wept, grieving for the lost tomorrow.

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我也肯定她听见了我在她的追悼仪式上所念的每一个字。And, I‘m sure that she heard every word I read at her memorial service.

追悼仪式在地球联邦旗舰亚历山大号上举行。Memorial services were held aboard the Directorate flagship Aleksander.

他们刚才一直躲在那没人的长廊里,倾听着追悼他们的颂词哩!They had been hid in the unused gallery listening to their own funeral sermon!

在死亡后第40天追悼死者是伊斯兰的传统。The 40-day anniversary of a death is traditionally used for mourning, in Islam.

追悼仪式开始时,全体出席者向“战死者”默哀1分钟。Memorial service began, all the participants to the "war dead" observed a minute.

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据此,我认为,这是一首追悼诗人心爱的妹妹的悼亡诗。Accordingly, I think that this is a memorial of her sister's beloved poet Mourn poetry.

他到了楚国云梦地方,看见当地百姓正在追悼在战争中阵亡的将士。Passing through Ch'u's Yunmeng area, he saw some villagers mourning their dead soldiers.

石壁村有一百来人参加了追悼大会,地主王常盈没有露面。One hundred people of Stone Wall Village attended this meeting, but Landlord Wang did not come.

据云飞说,1992年后,他停止了写诗。这个国家也在那时,停止了对一场屠杀的追悼。Ran Yunfei stopped writing poems in 1992, at a time when the country stopped mourning the massacre.

成千上百的人出席了斯通的葬礼,追悼这位舍己救人的大英雄。Hundreds of mourners attended his funeral, where he was lauded as a hero for putting his mates first.

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星期天,我和希拉里飞到俄市,在俄克拉何马州露天市场参加了追悼仪式。On Sunday, Hillary and I flew to Oklahoma City for a memorial service at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds.

上周,复旦大学举行追悼仪式,对安徽民警张宁海的牺牲表示深深哀悼。A memorial ceremony was held at Fudan University last week to mourn the loss of Anhui policeman Zhang Ninghai.

今天并没有安排公开活动,不过明天,总统将出席已故参议员丹尼尔·井上的追悼活动。No public events are scheduled, but tomorrow, he will attend a memorial service for the late Senator Daniel Inouye.

如今在达旺行政总部的外面矗立着一个当地佛教风格的路边纪念碑,追悼着死者。Outside Tawang’s district headquarters a roadside memorial, built in the local Buddhist style, commemorates these dead.

报道称,石原于15日当天出席了“战亡者追悼仪式”后,径直前往了靖国神社进行参拜。Reported that Ishihara attended a 15 day "war dead memorial service", the straight to the Yasukuni Shrine to pay homage.

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周日,全国各地将召开追悼仪式,悼念于去年大地震中丧生的8万余人。Memorial services for the 80,000 people killed last year in the massive earthquake will be held across the country Sunday.

弥尔顿是那本纪念诗选里唯一一个,写田园诗追悼爱德华金的剑桥诗人。Milton was the only Cambridge poet to honor Edward King in that memorial anthology by writing a poem in the pastoral mode.

泰勒·希克斯在电子邮件中追悼了洪德罗斯,他是纽约时报的摄影师,曾经和洪德罗斯并肩工作。Tyler Hicks, a photographer for The New York Times whoworked alongside Mr. Hondros in several wars, paid a tribute in an e-mail.