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喜欢瘫痪和病魔缠身的题材?Prefer paralysis and disease?

敏妃能战胜病魔吗?Will Minfei be able to overcome her sickness?

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病魔使风华正茂的史密斯英年早逝。Disease cut Smith off in the best part of life.

他像自己的儿子一样相信他们能够战胜病魔。Like his son, he always believed they would beat this.

向不幸感染SARS的人们给予最大的鼓舞,坚强地战胜病魔!Arouse the people who got SARS from illness, sturdily to win!

他不屈不挠的精神帮助他对抗病魔。His indefatigable spirit helped him to cope with his illness.

想祈求健康去除病魔的信徒们都要到这里烧香拜佛。To pray for health, every pilgrim would incense and worship here.

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“现在我也知道了,我将会被这个病魔带走,”他说。"I, too, now know that I will be taken by this disease," he says.

与病魔抗争了四年之后,梅甘的母亲去世了,死时才39岁,还很年轻。After a four year battle, Megan’s mom died at the young age of 39.

她看来就如同十几年前病魔尚未缠身时那样。She looked as she had a dozen years ago, before the disease had begun.

我可以遇到这么一些饱受病魔折磨的人。I was able to meet the person buried under the clenches of her illness.

你能想象一个病魔缠身的妇女独自经营一个网站吗?Can you imagine a woman with serious illness manage a website by herself?

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难道是“上帝的旨意”诀议了,就是在那一时点,病魔该杀死我的母亲吗?Was it "God's Will" that my Mother should die from illness at that point?

为何有的人能够战胜所谓的“无药可医”的病魔,而有的人不能?Why is one man healed of a so-called incurable disease and another isn’t?

快到圣诞节时,我决定鼓舞他对抗病魔的士气。It was the festive run up to Xmas and I was determined to keep his morale up.

我知道,他将会一如从前在绿茵场上奋勇拼搏那样来对抗今日的病魔。I know he is going to fight the disease like he is used to fight on the pitch.

超出所有医生的预料,母亲与病魔战斗了更久,最终在2008年3月15日逝世。She fought for far longer than any doctor expected and died on March 15, 2008.

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为了战胜这一病魔,我们还必须研究新的治疗和恢复健康的方法。In order to defeat this pandemic, we also must discover new treatments and cures.

蓝仕德说自己要跟奕茹好好的面对病魔,一定能抗争过去。Lan Shide said they want to face the disease to Ru Yi, will struggle in the past.

我决定再一次不借助药物和医生,只透过自身的抵抗力与病魔抗战到底。I ready to fight with 'sick monster' again and i not using any pil or visit doctor.