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他沿路溜溜达达地来了。He came ambling down the road.

后来,我们去道观溜达了一圈。Then we visited a Taoist temple.

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你溜达著到我这儿来好吗?Why don't you mosey round to my place?

他看着他们慢慢溜达着朝他走来。He watched as they wandered slowly towards him.

“一个推车,”她说,“推孩子溜达。”“A stroller, ” she said. “To cart the baby around.”

钱一花完,我就四处溜达,看看风景。When that's gone, I walk around an'd see the sights.

就溜达到星巴克去买两杯咖啡吧。Liu Dadao buy two cups of Starbucks coffee on the bar.

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我们溜达去学校,顺路吃点东西吧。Let's mosey along over to campus and get something to eat.

告诉我,你和你的姐妹们经常上麦里屯溜达吗?Tell me, do you and your sisters very often walk to Meryton?

Manche在精神病区溜达,收拾弄脏的工作服。Manche strolls around psych ward, picking up dirty art smocks.

凯帝和我从洗衣房溜出来想自由自在地溜达溜达。Cathy and I escaped from the washhouse to have a ramble at liberty.

兜里不放东西都是到处溜达,这样的小自由真让人感觉很棒。The right to have nothing in your pocket is a great little freedom.

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某个清早,无所事事,在海边溜达的福里斯特。A lazy morning, Forrest was strolling on a shore of Gulangyu Island.

不管是溜达、漫步、逛逛,还是大步走,步行都有好处。Whether you stroll, saunter, amble or stride, walking is good for you.

知道“哦,我想有个个家,野牛在它周围溜达”这首歌吗?“You know ‘Oh, Give Me a Home Where the Buffalo Roam’?” my father asked.

如果你看到有人独自坐着,就在这个房间里溜达,说声hi。If you see someone sitting alone, take a walk across the room and say hi.

他在桥上溜达着,突然发现一辆高级轿车向他迎面冲过来。While he is walking on the bridge he sees a limousine roaring towards him.

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他常常散步,长时间在山里、在平静的公园里溜达。He walked much, out in the hills, and loafed long hours in the quiet parks.

三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的地方溜达。Thirty-odd of us, in group of threes and fives, strolled wherever we liked.

去年,两只狗在附近海滩成堆的海藻边溜达时突然死亡。Last year, two dogs died while walking near piles of algae on a beach close by.