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这一切都在某一天的工作,为有价证券投资之谜!It's all in a day's work for the Mystery PI !

而联储若积极出脱有价证券,又会造成更大的问题.Active sales of securities bring even bigger problems.

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杰普逊先生持有的有价证券里全部都是热门股票。Mr. Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks.

如果你有存款,投资于实实在在的有价证券,土地或者固定资产。If you have savings, invest them in solid securities, lands or property.

可变现资产又涵盖了有价证券、现有住房置换。Realisable assets also covers portfolio, the existing housing replacement.

返回到期一次性付息有价证券的应计利息。Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity.

他从会计室窃取有价证券的所有证据。It had not been a bilateral decision with his wife to steal those documents.

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所以,结果就是,债券的回报率通常比其他的有价证券要低。As a result, the rate of return on bonds is generally lower than other securities.

第一,他断言中国抛出有价证券会向美国退返美元。First, he assumes that by selling securities, China returns dollars to the United States.

仓单作为一种有价证券,具有特殊的性质和特有的物权效力。As valuable securities, warehouse receipts are special and have specific effects of property.

结存收益即有价证券组合收益和其平均成本之间的正差额。Carrying gain The positive difference between the return on a portfolio and its average cost.

结存亏损有价证券组合收益和其平均成本之间的负差额。Carrying loss The negative difference between the return on a portfolio and its average cost.

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混杂可能会导致艾滋病毒和有价证券投资风险有关的风险估计过高。Confounding may contribute to overestimation of the risk associated with HIV and PI exposure.

通过使用ARCH-M模型给出了一个含有风险的有价证券价值评价公式。In this paper, a stock price evaluating formula with risks was derived by using ARCH M models.

一只旧的有价证券的升值是浮现新问题的必不可少的第一步。A rise in the value of old securities is an indispensable preliminary to the flotation of new issues.

处理酒店各类拾遗物品,加强对各类物品,现金,有价证券的安全管。Deal with Lost & Found issues. Guarantee the safe keep of all values including cashes, portfolio, etc.

其中包括不动产、定期存款和有价证券、日本邮政公社中的储蓄、贷款及借出款项。The report covers real estate, long-term deposits and securities, savings in Japan Post, loans and credit.

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与这些数字相比,引发这场金融危机的信贷相关有价证券的损失只是小巫见大巫。These figures put the losses on credit-related securities-where the financial crisis began-into the shade.

我们开办了代保管业务,能为您保管金银等贵重物品及有价证券。We have safe custody service and can keep precious metals such as gold and silver, and securities for you.

公司从五十年代起,就开始自行研制和生产有价证券专用的防伪号码机。Since 1950s, we have begun the research and production work for professional fraud-proof numbering machines.