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山东士族具有文化性和地方性。Shantung literati was cultural and regional.

门阀士族是地主阶级中的一个特权阶层。The powerful family hereditary scholar class is in a landlord class's privileged stratum.

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东晋南朝国婚研究,有助于揭示东晋南朝政治、士族及其思想变化。The study of them helps to explain the historic change of politics, bachelors and bachelors' ideas.

士族,作为一个历史范畴的特定阶层和学术概念,有特殊的内涵。The intelligentsia on a specific stratum and academic definition has peculiar connotation of its own.

两晋时期,门阀士族的奢侈腐败是这个时代的显著特征。In the Twice Jin dynasties, the aristocrats' extravagance and corruption was the remarkable character.

对于留寓江东的士大夫群体,孙氏有所扶持,以作为对抗本土士族的工具。In order to fight with the local Confucianism bureaucrats, they support the bureaucrats from the north.

南朝国婚士族种种表现反映了门阀士族的相对衰落。The various expressions of this kind of marriage spoke of the decline of family power and its influence.

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就命令这一天夜晚在皇宫和寺庙里点灯敬佛,令士族庶民都挂灯。So he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day.

庶族即使做官以后,依然受到士族的歧视。Even if after the commoners serve as an official, still receives the hereditary scholar class the discrimination.

他又发现,在士族与皇权之外,还有另外一支不为人所注意的政治力量在起着作用。He also found that in the Nobles and the imperial power, there is also an unnoticed political forces play a role.

其次,作家在士族文化影响下,主体心态日趋倾向纤柔。Secondly, influenced by the Scholars' Family, the subjective psychology was inclined to be delicate and exquisite.

这种现象与东晋门阀士族颇具特色的艺术教育理念、教育方式密切相关。The discussion of this special educational ideology and practice will shed some light on today's quality education.

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中古时期的门阀士族经历了一个由不断衰落直至衰亡的历史发展过程。During the middle ancient times, the family of power and influence had a transformation from the decline to the fall.

门阀士族拥有特权并与庶族保持着严格界限。The powerful family hereditary scholar class has the privilege and is maintaining with the commoners the strict boundary.

第二章主要论述了南迁士族南渡江左后在新的环境中形成的士风和学风。Chapter II mainly discusses the south- migrated eupatrid newly-growing morale and style of study after crossing the River.

又称“世族”。东汉后期在地主阶级中逐渐形成的大姓豪族。在政治、经济各方面享有特权。士族势力在南北朝时最盛,至唐末消亡。The landlord class of Han nation, the north scholars of Confucian, the Taoist of Quanzhen are the three main powers to save it.

东晋初,王导极力推动清谈之风,以之团结南方士族,安抚北方士族,进而巩固江东政权统治。Wang Dao promoted idle talk to hold together the southern scholars and appease northern scholars in the early Eastern Jin Dynasty.

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这些政策的核心目标是建立以李唐皇族为中心、并联合朝中大臣的氏族新秩序,藉此扭转山东士族根深蒂固的门第观念。Tang Tai Zong aimed to set up a new clan order which centered with the Li-Tang Royal and allied the officials, thereby change the inve.

“秩禄处分”与“士族授产”是相辅相成的,并为日本近代社会的转型创造了积极因素。The measures were supplementarily carried to a successful end, creating positive elements for the transition of modern Japanese society.

士族作为中古社会的一个特殊社会阶层,对当时的历史发展产生了重大影响。Inherit Clan is a particular social strata in the middle of ancient times , which has great influence on the history course of that time.