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人民党的政纲要求放松信贷和货币政策以帮助农民。The Populist platform demanded easier credit and currency policies to help farmers.

然而,目光短浅的州政纲将会导致长远来看的不良后果。However, short-sighted state politics like this will lead to long-term consequences.

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其他政纲包括中学免费入学以及加大幼托设施方面的开支。Other planks include free tuition for high schools and greater spending on day-care facilities.

较小的团体大多把他们的议题加入两大竞争对手的政纲或其中之一。Smaller groupings served mostly to inject their issues into either or both of the main contenders.

他还扩大了自己的政纲,着力解决美国非洲裔的贫困问题。King also broadened his agenda to encompass efforts to focus attention on African-American poverty.

到目前为止,没有党领导人把真正的法治当作自己政纲或留给后世的功绩的一部分来对待。So far, no Communist leader has made a genuine rule of law part of his political platform or legacy.

我们希望透过此部落格,能让国人及马接区选民对民主行动党的竞选宣言和政纲有更进一步的了解。We hope that this site will give Malaysians in general, Machap voters a good understanding of DAP's electoral platform.

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在他们的坚持下,把“坚决争取修改关税”条款与进了共和党的政纲。一块木板跨越小溪之上为桥。At their insistence, a plank declaring "unequivocally for the revision of the tariff" was written in the Republican platform.

第二天的重头戏是政纲的正式推介和卡特总统、汤姆.哈金和杰西.杰克逊的演讲。The second day featured a presentation of the platform, and strong speeches by President Carter, Tom Harkin, and Jesse Jackson.

这就是两个主义在中国资产阶级民主革命阶段上的基本政纲。They are to be found in the basic political programme of both doctrines during the stage of the bourgeois-democratic revolution in China.

史学家回答这个问题说,路易十四违反政纲的行动在路易十六身上得到了报应。To this question these historians reply, that the effect of the actions of Louis XIV . contrary to the programme were reacted upon Louis XVI.

公麋党的政纲汇集了进步主义运动的精华,是一个较全面的进步主义改革纲领。The platform of The Bull Moose Party was amassed the essence of the progressive movement, and it was also a more overall progressive programme.

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布什与各位前任一样,对新闻界不按他所希望的那样报道他本人及其政纲流露出不满。Like his predecessors, Bush expressed his frustration with the press for not covering him and his programs as he would like both to be portrayed.

政客们必须花言巧语、耍手腕和变换政纲以迎合听众、取媚世俗,而有远大理想的领导人从不乏跟随他们的人。Politicians must cajole and manipulate and change their platform to fit the occasion or audience, but leaders with vision never lack a following.

机不可失,时不再来,如果打算有一个体系完备的社会关怀拨款协议,并且准备为了来年的大选,将该协议内容放进政纲宣言,那么,协商必须现在就要开始了。Time is not limitless.If a deal on paying for a decent system for care is to be ready to go into the party manifestos for the next election, the talking has to start now.

他承认,自己在过去几个月中的过失和政策不连贯性,导致选民对自民党的政纲产生了担忧和不信任感,损害了公众对自民党的支持。He admitted that his gaffes and policy inconsistencies over the past few months 'caused worries and mistrust over politics among voters' and dented popular support for the party.

我们中文网站的读者就可以很方便的了解我们这个议员的情况,他的政纲,他的背景,他的简历,还有我们一些社区的活动。So with the help of the Chinese website, readers can easily understand the situation of him, his political platform, his background, his resume and our community activities around him.

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6月11日和12日,民主党政纲委员会发布了政纲草案,反映了我的观点和在竞选中做出的承诺,避免采用过去曾对我们造成损害的两极分化的言语。On June 11 and 12, the Democratic platform committee produced a draft that reflected my philosophy and campaign commitments, and avoided the polarizing language that had hurt us in the past.

蔡英文还利用点评大陆问题时比民进党政纲显得更加温和的言论,一定程度上打进了作为国民党传统大本营的工商企业界。Ms. Tsai also has made some inroads with the business community, traditionally a Kuomintang stronghold, with comments about China seen as more moderate than the platform of her pro-independence party.