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他们竟然挖陷坑害我。Yet they have dug a pit for me.

地上的居民哪,恐惧,陷坑,网罗,都临近你。Terror and pit and snare await you, O people of the earth.

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在死海沿岸已经有超过2500个陷坑。More than 2,500 sinkholes now line the shores of the Dead Sea.

在死海沿岸已经有超过2500个陷坑。More than 2, 500 sinkholes now line the shores of the Dead Sea.

在镀膜后表面无可察觉的陷坑或灰色边缘。No detectable pits or gray edge by visual inspection after coating.

地上的居民哪,恐惧,陷坑,网罗,都临近你。Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.

地上的居民哪,恐惧、陷坑、网罗,都临近你。Terror, and the pit, and the trap, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.

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这类贸易使你自愿陷入程序化的陷坑。This type of trading leaves you vulnerable to the flow of orders into the pit.

近几周,中国多地陷坑频现,引发了人们对地震将至的担忧。Dozens of have emerged across China in recent weeks, triggering fears of earthquakes.

耶和华说,摩押的居民哪,恐惧,陷坑,网罗都临近你。Fear, and the pit, and the snare, shall be upon thee, O inhabitant of Moab, saith the LORD.

在另外的某些年份商业活动好象掉进陷坑,达到趋势直线以下的某个最低点。At other times , business activity is likely to slump , hitting a low point below the trend line.

几天前,一个大陷坑吞噬了该县一个小学的整个操场。Days earlier, a giant sinkhole swallowed up the entire playground of a primary school in the county.

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格里弗斯爬上停在一边的轮形摩托,冲进陷坑城的小巷和走廊。Grievous climbed aboard his waiting wheel bike and tore off into the alleys and corridors of the sinkhole city.

此外,如果说他没把生命断送在陷坑里,但他也似乎感到已在那儿用完了力气。However, although he had not left his life in the fontis, he seemed to have left his strength behind him there.

克诺比降落在这颗外环星球的大陷坑城市里,与港口管理员蒂翁·梅东取得联系。Landing in a massive sinkhole city of the Outer Rim planet, Kenobi made contact with Port Administrator Tion Medon.

放置1个火苗陷坑,造成熬头个靠近的仇敌15秒内105焚烧系伤害,陷坑存在60秒。Place a fire trap that will burn the first enemy to approach for 105 Fire damage over 15 seconds. Trap will exist for 60 seconds.

这些微陨石和空间微小碎片可能在光学玻璃表面碰撞产生陷坑,也可能吸附在航天器光学玻璃表面造成污染。These microaerolites and small debris in space may cause defects such as crater or be absorbed due to impact on the surface of optical glass in spacecraft.

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随着水域面积缩减,地下盐层也不断溶解,导致陷坑的突然出现,这严重损坏道路桥梁,威胁生命安全。As the sea shrinks, underground layers of salt have dissolved, leading to the sudden formation of sinkholes, which damage roads and bridges and threaten lives.

我们还可提供多种助剂,提高流动性、流平性、表面润湿、滑爽、抗划伤、消除针孔、消除陷坑和桔皮效应等。This range is completed with a variety of additives for flow, leveling, surface wetting, slip, mar resistance and against pinholes, cratering and orange peel effects.

这个嘛,首先,他在残酷的阿兹特克比武大赛中逃过一劫,之后他把在丛林中追踪他的突袭者一个个都干掉—他还设计了个猎兽陷坑,让这些袭击者一旦掉进去就像烤肉串一样。Uh, first he survives being “finished” in a cruel Aztec tournament, then he kills every one of the raiders who give chase in the jungle – even setting up skewer-happy booby traps.