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给出了基本配方。Their basic recept is presented.

独家无刺激性配方。Exclusive non-irritating formula.

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本配方可做4-5贴膏药。This recipe makes 4 to 5 plasters.

轻质混合土配方公式的研究。Research on recipes formula of BTS.

新天然配方、倍感幼滑亲肤。Brand new formula, friendly to skin.

银粉漆的配方中包括那些成份?What is a formulation of a silver paint?

唐正在家一个人研究着秋油的配方。Don is one research of autumn oil formula.

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轻易处理菜品的配方,菜品的成本。Easily to handle PLU recipe, and PLU cost.

哈里的工作就是测试绝密的糖果配方。Harry's job is to test top secret recipes.

善存甚至在配方中添加了蕃茄红素。Centrum even added lycopene to the formula.

无酒精配方,适用于眼部和面部护理。Alcohol-free hydrating care for face and eyes.

使用前,将上述配方的混合物放在一个喷雾瓶里摇晃混合均匀。Put it in a spray bottle and shake before use.

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你能不能告诉我做牛扒的配方?Can you please give me the recipe to the steak?

正宗四川麻辣烫锅底的标准配方。Standard recipe authentic Sichuan Malatang pot.

独特的超快干配方,让你的眼线不会晕染或结块。The quick drying formula means it won't smudge.

洗发水的水溶性配方,避免了集结。Shampoo soluble formulation avoids of build-ups.

Oliver称,获美国认证过的婴儿配方食品是安全的。U.S.-approved baby formula is safe, Oliver said.

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你自己最好的血腥玛丽配方是什么呢?What's your best recipe for a great Bloody Mary?

不然的话,建议用特殊婴儿配方。Otherwise, special infant formula is recommended.

配方是否含有任何完整食物?Q. Does the formula contain any whole-food blends?