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它真是名副其实的士气提升器。It was a real morale-booster.

而这次却是名副其实的秋雨了。But this is truly an autumn rain.

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真是名副其实的山水画!It's a landscape painting indeed.

这部机器是一部名副其实的省时装置。This machine is a real time- saver.

一些朋友就是名副其实的友敌。Some friends are actually frenemies.

杭州是名副其实的人间天堂。Hangzhou is a vertable heaven on earth.

他整天喝酒,是个名副其实的酒缸。He drinks all day long and is a real wino.

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蒙古是名副其实的机会之地。Mongolia really is the land of opportunity.

他还是名副其实的侦探小说迷。He was also a great fan of detective novels.

她可是一位名副其实的雕刻大师和刀工专家。She’s a real professional and a knife expert.

这是名副其实的一孔之见。This is a narrow view of be worthy of the name.

是长安区名副其实的黄金地段。It really is a gold section of Chang'an District.

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这地方被称为“第二个切诺贝利”是绝对名副其实的。This place is called Chernobyl-2 not for nothing.

名副其实的人是幸福的。Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his turth.

名副其实的美食家了。He researches diets carefully, and is a true epicure.

因此,老公说,“你真是名副其实的‘吝啬鬼’啊!Then the Husband said, "You are really Ms. Tightwad."

我们发现我们在名副其实的仙境中。We found ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland.

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他是这个国家唯一的一位名副其实的诗人。He is the only poet in this country that deserves the name.

2004年时,丰都已成为名副其实的鬼城。By 2004, the former port has truly become a city of the dead.

他们一定得与英国名副其实的优秀作家比个高低。English authors whose quality was as high as their reputation.