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在一次斗殴中他被击倒在地。He was downed in a fight.

他在斗殴时被打得眼眶发青。He got a black eye in the fight.

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辩论以斗殴而告终。The argument culminated in a fist fight.

在一次打架斗殴中杨林为了救白文得罪了沈庆和扁豆。In a fight to save in Bai Yang and lentils.

士兵们参加斗殴并毁坏了酒吧间。Soldiers got in a fight and busted up the bar.

偷窃、赌博、酗酒闹事、斗殴。Stealing, gambling, drunken behavior, fighting.

由于打架斗殴,韩绍功被弄进了监狱。Due to the fighting, HanShaoGong get into prison.

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于是我们开始争抢那个包,一场斗殴发生了。We began to struggle for the bag and a fight broke out.

一些打架斗殴看来是有组织的,参与者也是心甘情愿的。Some of the fights appear organized, and the participants willing.

在公众场合酗酒、拒捕、斗殴属于轻罪。Public drunkenness, resisting arrest, and battery are misdemeanors.

加入帮派的女孩很有可能像男孩一般参与斗殴。Girls in gangs are just as likely to participate in beatings as boys.

甚至为了抢渠道,包括打架斗殴的情况都有。Even to grab channel, include to fight the circumstance of affray has.

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傲慢无理、打架斗殴的滚石乐队成员要求革命。The Rolling Stones, arrogant street-fighting men, demanded revolution.

最近几天在美国各地的市政厅都时有斗殴事件发生。There have been scuffles at such venues across America in recent days.

我们班有个有名的差生,属于低智商类型,经常打架斗殴。We have a well-known class of poor hygiene, a low-IQ type, often fighting.

传闻中她曾是一个暴力少女,有着不良的斗殴记录。She was rumored to be violent and she has a misconduct record for fighting.

1999年,一名德国男子死于一场斗殴,而起因就是他使用手机的不当方式。In 1999 a German man died in a fight triggered by his ill-mannered Handy use.

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这些聚会不应成为帮派斗殴和凶残的人的庇护所。These meetings ought not to be sanctuaries for factious and flagitious fellows.

打架斗殴、遭房主驱逐、被捕入狱,这些经历对森池来说数不胜数,都难以回忆出了。Fights, evictions and arrests are too numerous for Sanchez to remember them all.

与一些报道相反,抢劫和斗殴事件非常少见。Contrary to some reports, there were only isolated cases of looting and fighting.