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看!一支荧光笔和一些蜡笔。Look! A marker and some crayons.

大两线荧光显示屏。Large Two-Line Fluorescent Display.

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当荧光呼拉圈遭遇爪哇加麦兰。Glowing hula hoop meets Javanese Gamelan.

有荧光钥匙扣,大理石效果钥匙扣。Airglow keychain, Marble keychain is offered.

艾普瑞利亚黑色,红色荧光,复制西班牙N.1。Aprilia Black, Red Fluo, Replica Spain's N. 1

荧光裤可以让你的曳步舞看起来更棒吗?Do phat pants make your shuffling look better?

紫外光照射发弱绿黄色荧光。Weak green-yellow fluorescence under UV light.

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更有精品荧光手机数据线免费派。More fine fluorescent phone data line free pie.

当这种酶功能开启时,标签会发出荧光。When the enzyme turns on, the label fluoresces.

一条大鱼在荧光中显现出了身影。A large fish swims silhouetted against the glow.

这些试剂带有不同颜色的荧光色。These chemicals fluoresce with different colours.

丛林在植物们发出的灿烂光芒中重现生机——斑点和花纹,鬼影和星系无不放射出蓝绿色的荧光。patterns, ghosts and galaxies of blue-green light.

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以固定的完整虫体进行IFA,未显示荧光。IFA did not show fluorescence in intact tachyzoite.

以二聚体模型解释了反斯托克斯荧光频移效应。The large peak shift is explained by a dimer model.

氧是如何严密第淬灭荧光的?How exactly does the oxygen quench the fluorescence?

晶光荧光材料有限公司欢迎您!Shanghai Jingguang Fluorescence Materials Co. , Ltd.

镜子是旧货商店淘来的,我把它涂成了荧光绿。The mirror is a junk shop piece I painted neon green.

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包括眉阴影,眼线笔,和荧光笔。Includes eyebrow shadows, eyeliners, and highlighters.

当DNA经过光束时标记物发出荧光。When the DNA pass over the beam, the labels fluoresce.

绿色荧光蛋白还具有更富创造性的用途。GFP has also been used for more, um, creative purposes.