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她有热情,有朝气。She is full of vigour and enthusiasm.

这是一支年青,有朝气,速度迅速的球队。This is such a young and vibrant, quick team.

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快乐的惊喜令人心快乐且有朝气。Happy SURPRISES gladden the heart and enliven us.

倘使我想跟班你,他们能否会朝气呢?。Would they be more upseted if I thought of joining you?

那是一座有朝气的城市,希望人们能去参观。It's an up-and-coming city and hopefully people go visit.

有人没把份内的事做好就令我朝气。It can dfeelage me up when people don't do their job right.

他还保留着战争年代的革命朝气。He still retains the revolutionary fervour of the war years.

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这些巨变向世人展示了桑菲的蓬勃和朝气!These changes show the world Sangfei a vigorous and energetic!

师资队伍充满朝气,有火力有创新精神,崇德敬业。Teachers vibrant, innovative spirit in firepower, Zonta dedication.

格雷戈里仍为香农的朝气、快乐和美丽着迷。Gregory was still enchanted with Shannon's youth and joy and beauty.

广汇队年轻且富有朝气,是一支不断发展成长的队伍。Guanghui Team is young and vigorous, which is developing constantly.

在这首诗里对比叶芝的年纪,和他愿望的朝气。Contrast Yeats's old age and the freshness of his desire in this poem.

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对于我们,充满青春朝气的中学生,理想仍然是推动我们前进的风帆。For us middle school students, ideal is sails that still push us ahead.

中山完美灯饰厂是一个充满朝气和创新的企业。Perfection Lighting Co. , Ltd. is a vigorous and innovative enterprise.

效力于皇家马德里和耶稣,体面正派、青春朝气的广告男孩。Clean-living, fresh-faced poster boy who plays for Real Madrid and Jesus.

其实他很需要一班快乐的小伙子来陪他玩,需要活泼有朝气的年青人作伴。He needs a party of jolly boys to play with, or somebody young and lively.

列文先生成芮成刚为“一位充满朝气的年轻而标准的新中国建设者。”Levin, calls Mr. Rui "an energetic young standard bearer of the New China."

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本地的一般年轻人似乎就缺少了那份机灵和朝气。Young Singaporeans seem to lack the astuteness and dynamism that they possess.

具有愉快、舒适、轻松、年轻而有朝气的室内装饰风格。Have happy, comfortable, relaxed, young and style of snappy interior decoration.

这是一门年轻的充满朝气与希望的交叉学科。This is a young and intercross subject, full of youthful spirit and expectation.