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滑雪是我的赏心乐事之一。Skiing is one of my enjoyments.

好吧,这是人间所能享受的乐事之一。One of the pleasures of the world.

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如果这些赏心乐事能打动你的芳心If these delights thy mind may move

如果这些赏心乐事能打动你的芳心。And if these pleasures may thee move.

享受美食是人生一大乐事,而且对于大多数人来说,餐桌是家庭生活和庆祝聚会的核心。Good food is one of life's great pleasures.

生活是多样化的一件美好的东西是一件永久的赏心乐事!Life is varied, a thing of beauty is a joy forever.

看电影是乐事,制作影片则是苦事。Watching a film is pleasure, while making one is hard work.

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为什么不把制造泡沫的乐事变为一个史诗般的聚会恶作剧呢?Why not turn the fizzy fun into an epic party prank of your own?

不用说,他一生中所见的乐事比我们的还要少。Undoubtedly he'd seen even less frivolity in his life than we had.

但乐事把他们中最好的也拿下了,之后他们就再也不能“只吃一片”。Lays got the best of them though, and they could no longer eat just one.

参与歌舞片的一大乐事在于,要彩排两个月。One of the joys ofworking on a musical is that you rehearse for two months.

与齐米一块工作是件乐事,但是也有其特殊的为难之处。Working with Zimmie was a joy , but it presented its own special challenge.

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佛家以大肚能容天下之事为乐事,这便是一种极高的境界。Buddha tatu accommodate to let the world to lay's, this is a very high level.

有了这些皮脚链简单的步骤是一件乐事穿很长一段时间。With these simple steps a leather anklet with be a joy to wear for a long time.

尚忆先朝多乐事,孝皇曾为两宫开。It is Yixian towards more pleasure, filial piety was the two emperor palace opened.

你将获得新体验——新体验是生活中最为激动人心的乐事之一。You WillExperience Something Fresh – New experiencesare one of the most exciting acts of living.

阿明认为有的可以抵抗的乐事马铃薯片魅力的世界每个角落。Amin believes there is no corner of the world that can resist the charms of a Frito-Lay potato chip.

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置身一个新的地方,身边的人都在东奔西忙而你却不用工作尽情休闲娱乐,真可谓是人生最惬意最享受的乐事之一。The buzz you get walking around a new place knowing you're not at work is one of life's greatest highs.

现在我能专心致力写他这本传记,自然是一大乐事,此外还需要什么别的理由吗?Now that I am able to apply myself to this task, I am happy, and this should be an all-sufficient reason.

购物疗法一向是众多女性的乐事,对她们而言,再没有什么比逛商店更好的事情了。Retail therapy has long been a treat for millions of women who enjoy nothing better than a trawlround the shops.