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玫瑰的嫣红,永不退色。Yanhong roses never fade.

金环便出鬼计让嫣红把孩子打掉。Gold was a ghost meter purples kid dozen.

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沙子看不见落霞嫣红的天空。Can not see the sky falling clouds bright red sand.

她双颊嫣红,眼睛闪闪发亮。Her cheeks were flushed and red, and her eyes sparkled.

坝旁边的山上有美丽嫣红的映山红在风中摇曳。There were many red beautiful azalea , waving in the wind.

恍恍惚惚的强生苏醒后才发现,本人的新娘居然是嫣红。Spaced out Johnson discovered after waking, my bride was purples.

春天冰雪融化,万物复苏,万紫嫣红,给人们希望。The spring snow melt, all things recovery, 10000 Purple Yan-hong, to give hope.

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结婚当天,杨家人在家为嫣红庆贺,金环酒后说出实话。Wedding day, yeung ka-man at home for purples, gold rings drink and tell the truth.

指导们生气离场,嫣红被开除宣传队,强生撤掉了队长一职。Guide to angry leave, purples fired a publicity, Johnson &johnson removed as captain.

吴月桂要到杨家退婚,路上遇见金环与嫣红。Wu Yuegui was going to break off an engagement, and the road met gold rings and purples.

夜晚,强生赌气本人去喝闷酒正好碰见嫣红,喝多了以后去了嫣红家里。Night, himself to drinking just met purples, Johnson &johnson pique purples drunk go home.

冷色基于蓝色,绿色,粉红,嫣红,姹紫,蓝绿,红紫,以及蓝红。Cool colors are based on blues, greens, pinks, purples, blue-greens, magentas, and blue-reds.

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长期使用本品,可有效改善皮肤质地,使皮肤亮丽嫣红、腻柔嫩。Using the product on a long-term basis would keep skin moistening, healthy, tender and white.

冷色基于蓝色,绿色,粉红,嫣红,姹紫,蓝绿,红紫,以及蓝红。Cool colors are based on blues, greens, pinks, purples, blue-greens, magentas , and blue-reds.

外面有一层粉状的白霉,切开后嫣红欲滴,香气四溢。Outside there is a layer of powdery white mold, cut after the bright red and dripping, scented.

那些细小的,嫣红色烛型花,以及松枝一样的细叶。令我特别欢喜。Those tinny bright red candled flowers and leaves as fine as the pine needles made me raptured.

少年时代本应呈现吒紫嫣红春天,可如今也只剩下片片凋零的花瓣在风中回旋。Youth should appear red or purple spring, but now only piece of the withered petals whirled in the wind.

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强生喝醉通知嫣红猪蛋已死的下落,嫣红诧异不信便去查询。Johnson &johnson drunk notify purples the whereabouts of pig eggs is dead, purples surprised to query or not.

慌忙逃出时遇到强生,通知强生所发作的事,强生骑车送嫣红回家。Hurriedly escape when Johnson &johnson, Johnson &johnson notice attack, Johnson &johnson purples home by bike.

嫣红从金环那得知七妹和强生的住处,前来劝说他们到熊辉的棋牌室工作。Purples learn from gold rings that seven sister and Johnson &johnsons house, to persuade them to work Xiong Hui chess.