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恐怕你也不摸底。I'm afraid you haven't a very clear idea either.

“摸底”的几种译法这次我们摸了一下美国军队的底。This time we have taken measure of the U. S. armed forces.

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佳佳学习很自觉,背数学单词,为数学摸底考做准备。Christina works hard to get ready for the math placement test.

一所英国大学为第一年学生所设的摸底测试。Diagnostic test set by an English university for first year students.

当您的车子被窃,这两个警察是在摸底。When your car got broken into, those two officers were on a fishing expedition.

五是开展安全生产标准化摸底排查、复审。The five is to carry out diagnostic investigation, review of production safety standards.

网上摸底排队的原理是相关性原理,网上摸底排队的方法是多点碰撞法。Its principle is the theory of relevance, while its approach is that of hitting many places.

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首次开展了北京行政区划内梅花栽植情况摸底调查。An investigation of Prunus mume planting in Beijing districts is carried out for the first time.

但由于民警是经过了长时间的摸底调查,已经充分掌握情况。However, after a lengthy police are thoroughly investigated, have been fully grasp the situation.

及时开展灾害损失调查摸底,为灾后恢复重建打下基础。Conduct timely assessment of loss survey and lay a solid foundation for post-disaster reconstruction.

昨天,城管上地分队深入轻轨沿线单位和居民中进行摸底调查。Yesterday, the area along the light unit to unit in the population and for diagnostic investigations.

该服务会在用户首次使用时进行摸底测验,然后为考生建立起个人化的学习计划。This service offers an initial diagnostic test and then builds a personalized study schedule for students.

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但是,她告诫说,"我们并不期待在这次会议上有突破,因为这实际上是一次摸底会议。"But, she cautioned, "We are not expecting a breakthrough here, because this is really a stock-taking meeting."

市直各部门经负责人签章后,将摸底表报市编办审核。Departments directly under the signature by the person in charge will be thoroughly examined to do for the city in statement.

在成都摸底河两岸发现的金沙遗址是历史上开明王朝生活于此的文化遗存。Jin Sha Relic, found in Modi River around, is the culture relic of Kai Ming Kingdom. Kai Ming people were good at water-control.

本系统的主要优点是可以在实验室实现多种标准的自动测试及局部频段的摸底非标准测试。The main advantage of the system can be realized in a variety of standard laboratory testing and automatic local band non-standard test.

接到群众举报后,治安支队支队长窦庆福立即安排四大队进行摸底调查。After receiving the report from the masses, law and order detachment Douqing Fu immediately for the four teams to thoroughly investigate.

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有时,一个律师会要求证人,努力发现一宗法庭案件的许多事实的问题。这就是所谓的会在一个摸底。Sometimes a lawyer will ask a witness many questions in an effort to discover the facts of a court case. This is called going on a fishing expedition.

最后,讨论了认证测试阶段面临的困难,并强调了认证前摸底测试的重要性及必须具备足够的耐心。Finally, it discusses the difficulty exists in NEBS process in the 3rd step, and accentuates the pre-compliance testing and enough patience to achieve NEBS.

中消协在每一次质量抽检之前,都要有一次市场摸底调查,同时做好详细的准备工作,其中的“重头戏”是抽检方案。Zhongxiaoxie before each quality sampling, must have a mapping survey of the market, at the same time prepare the detailed work, which "plays" is a sampling programme.