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拆下水泵皮带轮。Remove water pump belt pulley.

水泵轴连轴承是轴承的一种。Water pump bearing is a bearing.

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将含油污水泵入污水舱。Pump the slops into the slop tank.

心脏好比一个水泵。The heart can be likened to a pump.

但是他们还有供给水泵。But they still have feedwater pumps.

锅炉给水泵的水力压头是多少?How much is the dynamic head of BFP?

在水泵底部安装排放管到排水管。We hurried to get the pump installed.

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风机,水泵,风道,水管,风口。Fan, pump, air duct, water pipe, vent.

水泵把地下室里的水抽出来了。The pump sucked water from the basement.

水泵被用来比拟人的心脏。The pump analogizes with the human heart.

马达和水泵都可以持续工作。Both motor and pump can work continuously.

她家的水泵当时正在附近重建。Their water pump was being rebuilt nearby.

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主要用于清水泵、循环泵等。Major for water pumps and circulation pumps.

小熊维尼、小猪和跳跳虎正在修理抽水泵。Pooh, Piglet and Tigger are repairing a pump.

教我怎样使用这台抽水泵,好吗?。Show me how to use this water pump. Won't you?

我们将在早上再次换上一个新水泵进行尝试。We’ll try again with a new pump in the morning.

他们把水泵里抽出的水泼在身上。They splash themselves with water from the pump.

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在水泵底部安装排放管到排水管。Install drain hose to vent tube at bottom of pump.

水泵一停,水马上就向回流。The water regurgitated as soon as the pump stopped.

但是,在这种情况下,没有水泵意味着没有水移动。But, in this case, no pumps meant no water movement.