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心光成为公益金会员。Becomes a member of the Community Chest.

法定公益金、福利费的使用方案。The use scheme of statutory welfare reserve and welfare funds.

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如果他们回答公益金的正确行使,珍惜的是他们。If they answer the chest's exercise correctly, the treasure is theirs.

有些女性无法找到合适的衣服,他们由于没有公益金所有。Some women cannot find clothes that fit them due to having no chest at all.

康乐治疗小组是公益金资助的其中一项服务。The Recreational and Diversional Therapy Unit is subvented by the Community Chest.

它必须已调整阀对这个“内阀公益金”的设计概念!It must have been adjusting the valves on this "inside valve chest" design concept!

保险公司的法定公益金用于本公司职工的集体福利。The legal public welfare fund is used for the collective welfare of the company's employees.

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我们的铁兄弟正试图挤进一个小铁公益金自己的肌肉充分。We the Brothers of Iron are trying to squeeze ourselves in one small Iron Chest, full of muscles.

使用从地板上的旧花瓶库存锤,并从附近的地面装甲公益金的关键。Use HAMMER from inventory on old vase on the floor and get CHEST KEY from the floor near the armor.

它们没有接受过任何公益金,在公立学校也不设宗教课程。They have not received any public funds, and religious instruction is not given in the public schools.

彩票公益金管理是一个国家彩票业管理的重要组成部分。The management of the lottery commonweal fund is an important component of the state lottery management.

所提公积金和公益金的用途是弥补亏损和转增公司资本以及公司职工集体福利。The use is to make upping loss and to increase the capital and to use for the welfare of officers and workers.

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第三十一条公司提取的法定公益金用于本公司职工的集体福利。The company's statutory common welfare fund is used for the collective welfare of the company's staff and workers.

2000年以来,我国以体育彩票公益金捐赠的形式,在全国创建了1899所青少年体育俱乐部。Since 2000, 1899 juvenile sports clubs have been established in China nationwide with the support of sports lottery welfare fund.

1999年,国家体育总局提出在体育彩票公益金的捐助下创建青少年体育俱乐部。In 1999, juvenile sports club was set up by the National Sports Bureau under the sponsoring of sports lottery public accumulated fund.

利用体育彩票公益金在公园和居民小区建设的大量运动健身设施,方便了市民锻炼。A large number of fitness facilities are installed in parks and residential areas, offering great convenience for the citizens to do exercises.

第一部分,是对我国当前彩票公益金使用中存在的问题与原因进行分析。The first part, is the question which and the reason exists to our country current lottery ticket public welfare fund use in carries on the analysis.

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第三部分,主要是结合前两部分的内容对彩票公益金使用法律制度进行构建。The third part, is mainly unifies the first two parts of contents to carry on the construction to the lottery ticket public welfare fund use legal regime.

在美国,教育也是博彩业公益金的主要贡献领域,自1984年起,加州博彩业的收益中1美元就有34美分投向公立学校。Education is also a main recipient of American lottery largesse. California’s lottery has been giving 34 cents in every dollar to public schools since 1984.

本会没有接受任何政府及公益金的资助,一分一毫的善款都全赖大众支持,以继续支持各项免费癌症支援服务。Receiving no money from the government or the Community Chest, we rely solely on public generosity to sustain our free and on-going cancer support services.