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丁丁也爬上了树。Ding-ding is also climbing a tree.

打字机嗒嗒嗒又丁丁丁地响着。The typewriters rattled and pinged.

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伐木丁丁。Clang, clang goes the woodman's axe.

妈妈,我可以去找丁丁玩吗?Mommy, can I go to play with Dingding?

丁丁带些自负的性格特征和那个时代很契合。Tintin’s slightly priggish character fitted the times.

丁丁是“比外形高大的恶棍聪明的小人物”。He is “the clever little guy who outsmarts big bullies”.

为什么丁丁和他的伙伴要投身他们的任何一次冒险呢?Why did Tintin and his buddies go on any of their adventures?

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丁丁,你看!那边两只小兔子在吃草哪。Dingding, look! There are two rabbits eating grass over there.

从那以后,丁丁、东东和龙龙一起努力工作。Since then, Ding-Ding and Dong- Dong work hard with Long-Long.

首先,金属尖齿相互撞击发出了柔和的丁丁声。First, delicate tinkling as the metal tines jostled each other.

这就是丁丁为什么有一个大袋子并且喜欢把什么东西都往里放的原因。This is why Tinky Winky has a bag and loves to put things in it.

这就是丁丁为什麽有一个大袋子并且喜欢把什麽东西都往里放的原因。This is why Tinky Winky has a bag and loves to put things in it.

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谢谢妈妈,嘟嘟吃饱了。妈妈,我可以去找丁丁玩吗?Thank you, mommy. Dudu is full. Mommy, can I go to play with Dingding?

回到家,丁丁从帽子下取出鲜花,可它们都凋谢了!But when Ding-ding takes them out at home , the flowers are all crushed!

一点印第安纳琼斯,一点丁丁,还有那么一点点地狱男孩。A little bit Indiana Jones, a little bit Tintin and a little bit Hellboy.

咦,那只小狗狗在吃肉骨头呢。丁丁,我饿了,你呢?Yo-ho, that dog is eating the bone. Dingding. I'm hungry, what about you?

哦,丁丁,看那边,鸡妈妈怎么带着鸭宝宝们散步呢!Oh, Dingding, look over there. The mother hen is walking with the baby ducks.

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丁丁和东东是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他们整天吃了就睡。They are very Lazy. They eat and sleep all day. Long-Long is the youngest pig.

阿道克船长是主人公丁丁最好的朋友,他是一个身价亿万的航海商人、船长。He is Tintin's best friend, a multi-millionaire seafaring Merchant Marine Captain.

任何在20世纪90年代当过学生的人都知道丁丁、迪西、拉拉和小波是谁。Anyone who was a student during the 1990's knows who tinkywinky, Dipsy, Lala and Po are.