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是战斗机在掩护附近的巴基斯坦哨所吗?Were fighters sheltering near the Pakistani outposts?

必须端掉锯木厂边的哨所。It is necessary to exterminate the post at the sawmill.

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我们把枪都瞄准了敌人的哨所,开火了。When we had all zeroed in our guns on the enemy post, we opened fire.

袭击者从哨所盗走了武器,并在哨所附近埋设地雷后逃离。They fled after stealing weapons and planting landmines around the post.

哨所的士兵们发出一阵简短的欢呼,但他们没有太多时间庆祝。The soldiers at the outpost let out a brief cheer, but there was no time to celebrate.

艾季达比亚,一名叛军战士从一处民兵哨所发射火箭筒,利比亚。A rebel fighter fires a rocket propelled grenade from a militia post in Ajdabiyah, Libya.

他们一出门,就直奔一片密密麻麻的葡萄园,塔利班喜欢隐藏在那里向哨所射击。They moved out, headed for a tangle of grapevines where the Taliban like to hide and fire from.

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愤恨的林振海深夜潜进日自己野山少佐所在的哨所,将其全部杀死。Resentment LinZhenHai late-night dive to 14 in the wild less carrizo outpost, will all of its kill.

遇袭的哨所驻有约四十名巴军士兵,据报道有两名军官在袭击中丧生。About 40 Pakistani army troops were stationed at the outpost with two officers reportedly among the dead.

哨所外面,伪装帆布篷下面,有些士兵急忙跑去找隐蔽,有些爬上梯子,进入岗楼顶层。Outside, under a camouflage canopy, soldiers ran for cover while others climbed ladders to the guard towers.

装甲车的车队和沙袋哨所已经把该地区变成一个武装营地。Convoys of armored vehicles and sandbagged sentry posts have turned the region into something of an armed camp.

端掉了哨所,你得回过头来向桥靠拢,从上面和我的左翼用火力封锁公路。After the destruction of the post you fall back onto the bridge and cover the road from above and my left flank.

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我懂得你的需要,我知道在你执行任务的时候必须拔掉哨所,掩护桥头。I understand your needs and I know the posts must be exterminated and the bridge covered while you do your work.

由于多数驻军仅由一个看护和一两个哨所组成,因此没有力量抗击分离者的军队。There was little to oppose the breakaway forces, a caretaker and a guard or two comprising many of the garrisons.

印藏边界警察部队在拉达克和“阿邦”有几个边界哨所,只能通过空中支援来维持运转。ITBP has several border outposts in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh which can be maintained only through air support.

根据巴基斯坦官方说法,部署在遇袭哨所的大约四十名士兵在袭击时正在熟睡。According to Pakistani officials the 40 or so soldiers stationed at the outposts were asleep at the time of the attack.

而如今,由世界银行帮助建立的一站式边境哨所使递交时间减少两个小时或更多。Today, a one-stop border post that the World Bank helped establish has cut down the transfer time to two hours or less.

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他们假装袭击了德波边境的若干德方哨所,遂以自卫为由大举入侵波兰。A series of mock attacks on various German border stations set the stage for a "defensive" swarming into Polish territory.

一道电网后边,是一堆防爆沙包和53个警察哨所。即将实施的阿富汗增兵方案正在进行。Behind an electrified fence, blast-resistant sandbags and 53 National Police outposts, the Afghan surge is well under way.

伴随着头上掩护他们的直升机的嗡嗡马达声,部队绕过层层保护哨所入口的镶着锋利刀片的铁丝网。With helicopters buzzing overhead, the troops sidestepped the coils of razor wire that protect the entrance to the outpost.