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业务进展情况暂未更新。No update on progress.

你做哪些业务?Which business do udo?

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业务级工具。Business-level tooling.

这次业务旅行怎么样?。How about this post-trip?

让你的业务人性化。To Humanize Your Business.

在移动业务上,我们收购了赛贝斯公司。In mobile we bought Sybase.

那家公司承办搬运业务。That company does removals.

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欢迎广大中外客商联系业务!Welcome to contact with us!

供业务分析员使用。Be used by business analysts.

联系业务。Reaching out to the business.

礼品篮都是我们的业务。Gift Baskets are our Business.

他主管这项业务。He superintends this business.

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这是一个标志制作业务。It was a sign-making business.

招聘是一项全天无休的业务。Recruiting is a 24-7 business.

业务对象的选择。Selection of business objects.

但是,我们也通过电子邮件和传真来联系业务。But wee-mail and fax a lot, too.

保存所有业务变量。Save all the business variables.

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第三,镖局的业务。Thirdly, business of the Biaoju.

WSO2业务规则即服务WSO2 Business Rules as a Service

我们承揽切纸加工业务。We supply cutting paper service.