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现在,神也在我们前头。Now God is down in front.

可要跑在您胃的前头哦!Don't out-run your stomach.

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无限风光在前头!Infinite beauty in the head!

那十二个门徒里名叫犹大的,走在前头,就近耶稣,要与他亲嘴。He approached Jesus to kiss him

我们必须赶在他们前头把小船夺过来。We must head 'em off the boats.

我赶在他前头占了那停车位置。I beat him to the parking space.

他在队列的最前头加塞。He cut in at the head of the line.

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哦对,你又说到我前头去了?When do I get down to the base case?

唐大爷使双枪,跑在队伍的前头。Tang charged at the head of the troops.

祂走在前头,保证我的得救He goes before! This guarantees salvation!

因此,最坏的局面其实还在我们前头呢!So, the worst is indeed still ahead of us.

头等车室在前头。The first-class compartments are in front.

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直驶到火车前头停了下来。He drove in front of the train.and stopped.

伟大的人物总是走在时代的前头。A great figure is usually ahead of his time.

这个人走在我们前头开路。The man went ahead of us to clear the course.

没有前头的布景样版语法,仅须编译一次。No template parsing overhead, only compiles once.

这个人走在我们前头开路。She elbowed her way through the masses of tourists.

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他将两根柱子立在殿廊前头,右边立一根,起名叫雅斤。He erected the pillars at the portico of the temple.

据说他是前头面临任务的最佳人选。He was tailor-made, it was said, for the task ahead.

在东方的旷野中,牧童总是走在羊群前头的。The Oriental shepherd was always ahead of his sheep.