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我们确实继承了一些旧俗。It is surely the baggage that we inherited.

我们这一次秋游,倒应了重九登高的旧俗。Visiting this time we, the Chongjiudegao should be inverted the old customs.

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效仿以往的旧俗,他们也通过狩猎练习行军和搏斗。Following an old tradition, they practised marching and fighting through hunting.

旧俗二月初八为张大帝生日,多风雨。Great old customs in February eighth day of Zhang's birthday, more wind and rain.

忽略一切旧俗,创造你自己的,想说什么就说什么。Ignore all proferred rules and create your own, suitable for what you want to say.

只管对于万圣节的起源和旧俗有良多不同的见解,但有一些是被所有人接收的。While there are many versions of the origins and old customs of Halloween, some remain consistentby all accounts.

虽然关于万圣节的来源和旧俗有很多不同的见地,但有一些是被一切人承受的。While there are many versions of the origins and old customs of Halloween, some remain consistent by all accounts.

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旧俗腊月初八,大蒜去皮后泡入醋中,数日后蒜的颜色变绿,略带酸味,称“腊八蒜”。Eighth day of the twelfth lunar month old customs, peeled garlic into the vinegar soak, a few days the color of green garlic.

指出这6个方面有的是汉化的丧葬礼俗,有的则是对本民族丧葬旧俗的继承。Some of the 6 aspects are customs were drawn from the Hans and the others were inherited from the traditional Kithan customs.

尽管政府颁布了禁令,也开展了增强公众意识的运动,但残忍又威胁生命的陈风旧俗还在扰乱埃及人的生活。But the persistence of the brutal and dangerous custom, despite an official ban and public-awareness campaigns, is disturbing.

直到现在,中年妇女们都试图用传了几个世纪的陈规旧俗钳制下一代的思想。Yet still older women try and lay a clamp on the next generation with a host of rules and regulations passed down over centuries.

是日旧俗“浴猫狗”,现时有的地方仍说是日为“猫狗猡猡生日”。Is a day old customs, "Bath cats and dogs", now in some places is still talking about the Japanese as "cats and dogs Luo Luo's birthday.

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女真人恢复民族旧俗的努力虽取得了一定的成就,但最终仍未能挽救金朝的灭亡。Though Nvzhen people's efforts on restore old national tradition had got some achievement, this did not save the fall of the King dynasty.

另一原因是,星期五处决犯人的旧俗曾持续多年,人们称星期五为“刽子手的工作日”。Some people will not start a trip on a Friday, especially if it is the 13th day of the month, since 13 men were present at the Last Supper.

戊戌变法作为中国现代化的一次尝试,虽然未取得预期的成效,但它革旧俗、变科举、废八股、兴办新式学堂,发动了近代中国的第一个思想启蒙运动。As an attempt to modernizing China, the Hundred Days Reform in 1898 failed, but its reforming drove the first enlightenment movement in modem China.

在取材上,除以市井生活、年节时令、地方旧俗为源泉外,还相对注重创作者心绪的细腻展现。Based on in, divided by urban life, New Year season, as the source of the local old customs, but also the relative emphasis on the delicate mind creators show.

打破了旧俗常规,以你就是我,我就是你的无分别心,形成犹如宇宙体的统一的实证的武学体系。Breaking the old customs practices to you is me, I am not your heart, respectively, the formation of the universe as a unified body of evidence-martial system.

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而辽金旧俗一度成为连接“礼”与“俗”的桥梁,祖述大金使满族在接受国家典章制度时有一种归属感,减少了推行典章制度的阻力。Manchu hold a sense of belonging, taking the Jin Dynasty creators as their ancestors, at the same time, reduced the resistance when carried out the institutions.

太原旧俗,有僧徒以习禅为业,及死不殓,但以尸送近郊以饲鸟兽。Taiyuan old customs, there are practices Zen monks to the industry, and refuses to burial, but the carcasses were sent to the suburbs in order to feed animals and birds.

在对破旧立新背景、历程、特点进行阐释的基础上,分别以破除迷信和推行革命纪念日为例,分析涤荡旧俗和铸模新俗的过程和民众的反应。This chapter explains its background, procedure and features and takes the examples of the government's eliminating superstition and promoting commemoration days for revolution.