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加油,比比!Come on, Bibi!

跟你比比,跑到那桥上,看谁跑得快!Race you to the bridge!

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比比看谁高。See who is sitting higher?

凯比比保罗下棋下得好。Kay plays chess better than Paul.

与老熊的瑜珈比比?人真是太复杂了。How effective yoga is as an exercise?

他们被拘捕,并因此获得比比阿伊莎。They were arrested, and so was Bibi Aisha.

把这个小锡块和功夫熊猫比比看吧。Consider this hunk of tin beside the Kung Fu Panda.

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艾莎比比的传奇被称为世界各地。The saga of Aisha Bibi is known throughout the world.

把这些进口货与国产货比比看。Contrast these imported goods with the domestic product.

大家记住这些新单词了没吗?让我们来做几个游戏比比看谁学的好。Do you remember the new words? Ok, Let's play some games.

大家记住这些新单词了么?让我们来做几个游戏比比看谁学得好。Do you remember the new words ? OK, let's play some games.

我要去找鸭妈妈比比看,看到底谁的蛋大!I will compare with her, and have a look who's are bigger!

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你把最美丽的精致花边拿来比比看!Compare the most beautiful Mechlin lace to that if you can!

冷色比比暖色更有距离感。Cool colors “push backward” or recede more than warm colors.

卡洛尔,会不会是狗更多地是一种简单粗暴的比比戈?Carole, could it be that Dog is more of a brute than a bigot?

在所有年龄组中,男性的中风患者的上升率要比比女性高。In all age groups the increase was greater in men than in women.

最被同额赌注赌家看好的托比比·托拜厄斯赢得了马特尔杯追逐赛。The Martell Cup Chase was won by the evens favourite Toby Tobias.

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秦皇岛哪家婚纱店性价比比较高?Which Qinhuangdao marriage yarn store sex price is comparatively high?

热比比电话中心每天从早八点营业到晚八点,除周日外每天都提供服务。Rebibbia's call-center runs from 8 a.m to 8 p.m. every day except Sundays.

但俺告诉你,科比比姚明打得好句号。But I will tell you that Kobe Byrant plays basketball better than Yao Ming.