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多少人投票给多不饱和的and how many for poly?

应该食用单不饱和脂肪You have the monounsaturated fat.

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多不饱和脂肪也能降低LDL。Polyunsaturated fat also lowers LDL.

水中的电解质饱和了。The water saturated with electrolyte.

颜色过饱和是我经常发现的问题。Oversaturation is an issue I see often.

我们得到饱和甘汞电极。We have the saturated calomel electrode.

多少人投票给前者,单不饱和的How many would vote for number one, Mono?

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第二点是,它不饱和。And the second thing is it is unsaturated.

水与水饱和的区域颜色由海军蓝至铁青色,植被是绿色的,云团是松绿色的,居民区呈现桃红色。Vegetation is green. Clouds are turquoise.

沥青表面的饱和分含量比本体多。More saturates exist on surface of asphalt.

而饱和脂肪全都可以很好的加热。Saturated fats can all be heated very well.

高效率及高饱和电流。High reliability, efficiency and saturation.

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多少人认为饱和脂肪更有害And how many would say saturated fat is worse?

触变型,邻苯型基体的不饱和聚酯树脂。Thixotropic resin based on ortho-phthalic acid.

雨天作业不得使用含水率饱和状态的砖。Saturated bricks shall not be used in rainy day.

一种含20个碳原子的饱和异戊间二烯。A saturated isoprenoid containing 20 carbon atoms.

不利于健康的脂肪包括饱和脂肪及转化脂肪。Unhealthful fats include saturated and trans fats.

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把这三栏标为“食品”、“钙”和“饱和脂肪”。Label the columns Food, Calcium, and Saturated Fat.

我对中国的担心已经到了饱和状态。My worry over China has reached a saturation point.

饱和交通情况下的排队模型。Queue models under the saturated traffic condition.