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核恐怖袭击的必然性。A nuclear terrorist attack is a near inevitability.

由于石油是一种有限的资源,因此这种理论具有其必然性。Because oil is a finite resource, it is an inevitability.

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死亡的必然性会让它更好还是更糟糕?Does the unavoidability of death make it better or worse?

克里普克首先将必然性、先验性区分开。Kripke distinguishes inevitability from apriority firstly.

我们可能会问,这种死亡的必然性怎么了?So we might ask, ? what about this inevitability of death?

社会过程是必然性与偶然性的统一。The social process is the unity of necessity and contigency.

卡尔纳普试图从语义学角度来定义因果必然性。Carnap tried to define causality from the angle of semantics.

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这样面对死亡必然性也许还有些安慰。So perhaps there's some comfort in the inevitability of death.

非流通股票是我国证券市场的独特创造,它的存在是有其历史必然性的。The non-liquid stock is the unique innovation in our stock market.

第二部分是“人性化管理的必然性”。The second part is the inevitability of humanity-based management.

偶然性的“香蕉皮”被转化成了某种必然性。The banana peels have been replaced with something like inevitability.

随着城市变异成一个大型城市,气氛是必然性。As the city mutates into a mega-city, the mood is one of inevitability.

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但是我不相信这种必然性的断言。But I’m not convinced by such claims of inevitability. McCain isn’t Bush.

这些从克里普克关于必然性的学说是很容易得到的,没有任何问题。That all follows from Kripke's account of necessity and is unproblematic.

禅易的特质逻辑地决定了其融合的历史必然性。Their peculiar logic determines the historic inevitability of their fusion.

节约型政府模式的选择有其必然性。There is necessity in the selection of resource-efficient government pattern.

民间借贷之所以能够长期存在,有其存在的必然性。There is inevitability for the long existence of non-governmental credit loans.

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幸福乐章的谱写有它的趋势性和决定性,同时造就了它的必然性!Happy music composing has its trend and decisive, and created its inevitability!

我们只能把这些猛烈的冲突归咎于事物的必然性。Let us, then, impute to the fatality of things alone these formidable collisions.

第二章界定和解读“自画像”产生的必然性。The second chapter limits and the explanation self-portrait produce inevitability.