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又像英勇的火炬。And a valiant torch.

那个火炬从此再也没有开放。The torch never re-opened.

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再次点燃生命的火炬。Re- ignited the torch of life.

同样的火炬把我的双眼也燃亮。At the same torch that lighted mine.

口号被刻在一个火炬塔上。The motto is engraved on a cauldron.

欢迎火炬的市民人山人海。Huge crowds welcomed the torch parade.

另一种是火炬松。Another is the labulalypant loblolly pine.

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游行者排成了火炬长龙。The marchers held a torchlight procession.

她把火炬往四周冷泉里一浸。This brand she quenched in a cool well by.

把点燃心焰的火炬放在一边。Laid by his side his heart-inflaming brand.

谁拿火炬来?是我,红雀说。Who'll carry the link? "I, " said the Linnet.

火炬组织者保证没有麻烦。A tour organizers promise will be trouble-free.

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我想塞西莉亚正带着一个火炬去给昆廷。I think Cecily is carrying a torch for Quentin.

火炬传递的下站是阿曼首都马斯喀特。The flame now heads to the Omani capital Muscat.

第一位持火炬者是曼谷的副市长。The first torchbearer is a vice mayor of Bangkok.

风停息了,火炬又燃了起来。The wind ceased, the torch was lighted once more.

那名警察用火炬照那个陌生人的脸。The policeman shone a torch on the stranger's face.

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并列入国家火炬计划项目。And included in the national Torch Program projects.

马库修则准备了他们两人所需的面具和火炬。Mercutio had masks and torches for the both of them.

你玩过,或者正打算玩火炬之光吗?Have you played or are you going to play Torchlight ?