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对撞机就是这样。Collider data do that.

购买所有升级介子对撞机。Purchase all upgrades for the Meson Collider.

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帮我参考一下,哪顶滑雪帽比较像超级对撞机?Help me out. Which ski cap says après-super-collider?

那不可能。对撞机可是在地下隧道里呢。That's impossible. The LHC lies in an underground tunnel.

但本月初,科学家们将质量更大的铅离子注入了大型强子对撞机。But earlier this month, heavier lead ions were injected into the LHC.

但是在黑暗中清理一个大型强子对撞机实在是太困难了”。But it's quite difficult to clean a Large Hardon Collider in the dark.

“普朗克能量”比强子对撞机的最大容量高出一千的六次方的倍数。The Planck energy is a quintillion times higher than the LHC's maximum.

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是第一批质子被注入大型强子对撞机27公里长的环形轨道的那一刻计作开始?Is it the moment when the first protons are injected into its 27km-long ring?

其中的AEBB-2000使更高性能强子对撞机的诞生成为可能。Development of AEBB-2000 made it possible to create the greater hadron collider.

如果各方面进展顺利,对撞机将在十二月进行粒子的加速和碰撞。If all goes well, the machine will accelerate and collide particles in December.

而对撞机的工作就是要证实希格斯玻色子粒子的存在。Proving the existence of the Higgs boson is one of the main goals of the collider.

但是,如果粒子物理学家能拿下这个项目,下一个大型强子对撞机就能为自身买单了。But hey, if particle physicists get this one down, the next LHC could pay for itself.

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新型的对撞机必须提供电子-正电子湮灭的准确测量结果。The new collider has to provide exact measurements of electron-positron annihilation.

一旦它重新滋生,车会避风港几秒钟,直到它没有对撞机的自我调整。Once it re-spawns, the car would haven no colliders for few seconds until it adjust itself.

人类正在探索这些粒子可能是什么,也许,大型强子对撞机可以给我们制造一些出来。We are looking for what they might be, and the Large Hadron Collider might even create some.

今天让我们来看一看位于新西伯利亚市核物理研究所的强子对撞机。Today we’ll have a look at a hadron collider of the Nuclear Physics Institute in Novosibirsk.

一个惊人的物理学壮举来自今年的布鲁克海文实验室的相对重离子对撞机。Another amazing feat of physics came out of Brookhaven's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider this year.

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对夸克-等离子体状态的研究需要具有相当高的能量的大型强子对撞机来实现。To study the physics of Quark-Gluon Plasma needs large hadronic colliders of extremely high energy.

有关官员表示,对撞机仍会按计划于今年秋季展开为期一个月的质子对撞实验。Officials said the collider would still take a planned monthlong break from colliding protons this fall.

经过一年多的修整后,质子束流又开始在世界最大的粒子对撞机快速前进了。Proton beams are zipping around the world's largest particle collider after more than a year of repairs.