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夜以继日地超负荷工作使他极度虚弱。Overworking day and night left him low.

工程正在夜以继日地进行。Work on the project is going on day and night.

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夜以继日我们都在关注你们的福利。Day and night we are watching over your welfare.

夫贵者,夜以继日,思虑善否。Men of distinction ponder over good and evil day and night.

于是他夜以继日地用一台数字计算机工作着。So he kept on working with a digital computer day and night.

初涉网络之时,我夜以继日的工作,因为我喜欢。I worked day and night on my early websites, because I loved it.

当时离11月30日的申请截止日期只有一个月不到的时间,因此我们夜以继日地工作,准备必要的文件和填写表格。The November 30 application deadline was less than a month away.

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两个邻居夜以继日地斗气,斗了有40年。Two neighbors had been fighting each other for nigh on four decades.

农民的生活非常不容易,因为你必须夜以继日地工作。Being a farmer is a hard life. You have to work all day and all night.

他们夜以继日地工作,为了能按时修建起这座大桥。They worked day and night so that they could build the bridge on time.

我们正在夜以继日地努力,试图结束那里的暴力。We have been working around the clock to try and end the violence there.

我有很多勤劳的精灵助手,他们夜以继日地加班工作。I have many hard-working elves putting in lots of overtime throughout the year.

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瑞士精炼商夜以继日地将400盎司金条转化为以千克为单位的金条。Swiss refineries worked around the clock to convert 400 oz bars into kilo bars.

于是,夜以继日,烈火重锤,打造着这条铁链。Thus night and day I worked at the chain with huge fires and cruel hard strokes.

周公仰而思之,夜以继日,幸而得之,常坐以待旦。Week Gongyang thinking, round the clock, fortunately, often sit waiting for the dawn.

他每天要抽掉三包烟,喜欢吃汉堡,经常夜以继日的工作。He smoked three packs a day, subsisted on hamburgers, and often worked around the clock.

他一直在画,夜以继日,其他的房间里回荡着受刑者的惨叫。All the time he painted, day and night, the screams of the tortured echoed from other rooms.

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我坚持不懈,夜以继日地一个人拼命苦练,不断在网络上推销自己,有机会就抓人来看我的表演。I practiced relentlessly, promoted myself on the Internet, and performed when I had the chance.

总之,无论你把它放在哪里,其高功率“暖白光”LED都会夜以继日的营造一个浪漫的氛围。Wherever you place it, the high-powered "warm white" LED will add a romantic ambience day and night.

他夜以继日地学呀学。他从来都没有感到这么累过,并且已经打算睁着模糊的熊猫眼去上学了。He was staying up nights, had never felt so weary, was going to school with his eyes puffed and bleary.