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我妈的坐骨神经痛又犯了。Mom’s sciatica was acting up.

掌握坐骨神经痛的定义。Master the definition of sciatica.

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坐骨神经痛通常在分娩后就会消失。“Sciatica” usually disappears after delivery.

显露每只动物的右侧坐骨神经,利刀横断。Each rat underwent right sciatic nerve transection.

前列腺,下背部肌肉,坐骨神经。L4- Prostate gland, muscles of the lower back, sciatic nerve.

苯海拉明有弱的镇痛作用,无坐骨神经动作电位阻滞作用。It also inhibited action potential transmission of frog sciatic nerve.

根性及干性坐骨神经痛的鉴别。The differential diagnosis of sciatica of nerve roots and nerve trunk.

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还有,不要坐在你的钱夹子上,那样会刺激你的坐骨神经。Also, don't sit on your wallet, as that can irritate the sciatic nerve.

目的探讨全髋关节置换术后股神经与坐骨神经损伤发生的原因。Objective To study the incidence of nerve palsies after total hip replacement.

在本研究上郄穴治疗坐骨神经方面疼痛疗效获得验证。In this study, The Xi-Acupoint were verified effects to treat the sciatic pain.

在小腿没有症状时亦可作直腿抬高试验,如使受累小腿产生坐骨神经痛,则为阳性。Thee straight leg-raising test can also be performed on the leg without symptoms.

低位的骶神经受压产生疼痛,和坐骨神经痛是不同的。And compression of lower sacral nerve roots produces pain unlike that of sciatica.

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如果你能够排除坐骨神经疼,那么很有可能是因为你的盆骨不够平或者双腿长度不一致。If you have ruled out sciatica, you may have an uneven pelvis or unequal leg lengths.

并用生物医学信号采集处理系统记录药物对蟾蜍坐骨神经干神经冲动传导的影响。Pclab-3804 was used to record the effect of TTCA on impulse conduction of sciatic nerve.

前根及坐骨神经的变化,表现为轴索变性及继发的髓鞘改变。Ventral root and sciatic nerve showed axonal degeneration and secondary changes of myelin.

对腰坐骨神经痛,椎间盘突出和关节疼痛适当的治疗是一个挑战。The appropriate treatment of lumbar sciatica , disk herniation and joint pain is a challenge.

采用切断大鼠坐骨神经近端套接单盲管的实验模型。The experimental models that transected sciatic nerve in rats with proximal simple blind tube.

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无菌条件下切断左侧坐骨神经,一期神经外膜缝合。Left sciatic nerves were cut down on germfree conditions and given primary suture of epineurium.

例如坐骨神经痛,由于神经的受压迫,会引起同侧腿的麻木或放射痛。Consider sciatica, where a leg becomes numb or pain shoots down a leg because a nerve is pinched.

此外,蛇床子素还可降低蟾蜍离体坐骨神经动作电位的振幅。Furthermore, osthol decreased the action potential amplitude of isolated sciatic nerves in toads.