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这是一个巨大的转折。It is a mass turn.

这是一次大的转折。That was a huge thing.

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关键性转折始于09年中期。A pivotal turn began midyear.

这是另一个新的转折。And this is another new twist.

我们的婚姻到了一个转折关头。Our marriage was at a watershed.

但是,有一个大大的转折。But, there is a very big "but" here.

神学家们今天正在转折口上。—that theologians today are turning.

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每个转折关头,它给我们带来奇迹。At every turn we come across its mystery.

故事情节在第十五章有了出乎意料的转折。The story has a strange twist in chapter 15.

但是,又有一个大大的转折。But, and there is also a very big "but" here.

你这辈子最大的人生转折是什么?What was the biggest tunning point in your life?

其转折之点是因为家族中一个孩子的死亡。The turning point came with the death of a child.

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然而,这一转折正是埃瓦赞所期望的。Evazan was expecting such a turn of events, however.

我发现其实这些其实是相当容易的转折。I found this to be a pretty easy transition actually.

苏格拉底的城市论述历经几个转折。Socrates' city speech proceeds through several stages.

由此观之,转折者,多为困阻也。From this view it, the turning point, also is universal.

用分号来作为句子主要转折的标记。Use a semi- colon to mark the chief turn in the sentence.

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作为魔羯,你正在经历很大的人生转折。As a Capricorn you've been going through vast life changes.

格兰特夫妇和克劳福特姐弟的到场是一个有力的转折。The entrance of a Grants and Crawfords was a favourable epoch.

中国战争电影永恒经典1947年7月,解放战争进入了一个重要的转折关头。The July in 1947 was a great turn times for the liberation war.