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雪覆盖了山丘。Snow mantled the hill.

一座白塔屹立在山丘上。A white tower stands on the hill.

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在山丘和谷地上飘荡。That floats on high oer vales hills.

无论山丘林间、溪谷与平原、That hills and valleys, dale and field

这些山丘是冰川作用形成的。These hills were formed by glaciation.

在山丘和谷地上飘荡。That floats on high or vales and hills.

它就在一座大山丘的顶端。which is right on the top of a big hill.

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在山丘和谷地上飘荡。That floats on high o′er vales and hills.

在山丘和谷地上飘荡。That floats on hight o'er vales and hills.

它就像跑在绿草覆盖的山丘。It's like running down a grass-covered hill.

山丘逐渐由平原膨胀起来。The hills swell gradually up from the plain.

生命线,爱情线,金星和火星的山丘。The love line. The mounds of Venus and Mars.

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他庞然璀璨的身形吞噬着黑幽幽的山丘。His huge, light shape devoured the black ill.

到森林山丘区骑马享受日落之美。Take a horseback ride among the wooded hills.

在山丘的某处,曾经有座小庙。A small temple once lay somewhere in the hill.

露丝呼吸困难地快速冲下陡峭的山丘。Ruth raced down the steep hill, breathing hard.

第二天早上,他找遍了所有的山丘。The next morning he searched the hills for her.

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她住在翠绿山丘上的老旧红磨坊里。She lived at the old red mill on the green hill.

秋天加利福尼亚的山丘会漫山金黄。The hills of California turn gold in the autumn.

我们看见一群羊在山丘上吃草。We saw a flock of sheep grazing on the hillside.