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就在忠孝敦化站。Just at the Zhongxiao Dunhua Station.

所以遵循仁义忠孝道德常常会使人陷入困惑。So to follow Confucianism often leads people into confusion.

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妳得先坐六站到忠孝复兴站。First, you need to go six stops to Chunghsiao Fuhsing station.

武当道教1个鲜明的特征是要求出家人忠孝信诚。Wudang Taoism is a distinctive characteristic requirements monk Chunghsiao Prudential.

南北去说服李忠孝不要参加婚礼,他害怕罗梅炸锅。North and south to persuade Li Zhongxiao dont attend the wedding, he is afraid of laumiere fryer.

古医籍书名中表现的忠孝仁爱、救世济民、学识广博等素养,就是古代医学家人文精神追求的最好说明。Loyalty and filial piety, love and benefit recorded in the ancient medical book are the best explanation.

通过统计检验发现,在文明以及成家立业、知识、才华以及忠孝这上都有显著性的差异。There are significant differences in civilization, knowledge, talent, "loyalty and filial piety" through statistical analysis.

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与其说影片力图再现死亡、毁灭等大场景,不如说导演更希望传输母爱、忠孝等儒家价值观。His desire to impart Confucian values of parental love and filial duty overrides the need to make a spectacle of death and destruction.

主管全府的礼制制定、教育宣传、宗教祭祀、表彰忠孝等方面事务。In charge of matters on local etiquette setting, educational propaganda, religionary sacrifice, commending faith and filial piety, etc.

后人为了赞颂和谐及忠孝文化思想,建造“五世同堂牌坊”。Then later generations built the Memorial Archway of "Family of Five Generations" to praise the harmony, the loyalty and the filial duty.

中国古代家国合一的族姓统治形式和忠孝一体的哲学观念,是不孝入罪的社会背景。The background in which the unfilial behavior became criminal was both the concept of loyal and filial piety and the syncretic form of country and home.

忠孝“思想观念是专制王权政治体系中最基本的政治道德规范,在政治生活中表现为臣民对君主具有绝对义务之政治观念。Loyalty and filial piety are the basic political moral standards in the autocratic political system, and the manifestation of loyalty to the sovereignty.

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罗梅和老姜给新人红包,被撇下的李忠孝心里有点郁闷,可是听到米蓝一声爸高兴的给了米蓝两个红包。Laumiere and ginger give the couple red packets, was left in slightly depressed sasihorfswe of filial piety, but dad happy hearing 1 m blue given to blue and two red packets.

有“文化怪才”之称的辜鸿铭根据当时国际、国内的社会发展情况提出了道德立国思想,主张以道德秩序、良民宗教、忠孝观念等重建社会秩序。It also covers the moral order that he maintains in order to reestablish the social order, namely, religion held by good citizens and the moral order based on loyal and filial concept.

元代时,武当道教的教主又与净明道派建立了密切关系,吸收并发展了净明道派“忠孝成仙”的修道思想。During the Ming Dynasty, Wudang Taoism established a good relationship with Pure Taoist School and absorbed and developed its Taoist thought of being faithful and filial to become immortal.

尽管人们相信忠孝难两全的说法,但事实上,一个真正为国、为人民的人就一定会尽孝。Although the people believed the loyal filial piety difficult to be satisfactory to both sides view, but in fact, truly for the country, certainly can be filial to the utmost for people's person.

以忠孝观念为核心的载道模式,被革新置换成民主、平等等时代新见,体现出内容与形式的新变。Through reform the mode that took loyalty and filial piety as its focus was replaced by the new concepts of democracy and equality of the times, embodying the new change in both form and content.