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朝向和反向眼跳任务是两种较为常用的眼跳任务范式。Pro- and antisaccade tasks are two kinds of popular saccade paradigms.

否定句注视时间最长,眼跳广度最小。For negative sentence, total fixation time and saccade amplitude are shortest.

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面对呈现面前的视觉场景,我们总会进行一系列的眼跳。A series of saccades are carried out during viewing visual scenes in our daily life.

实验中记录反应时,眼跳潜伏期和脑电等指标。The reaction time, the latency of saccade and the ERPs were recorded as dependent variables.

实验中记录定位距离误差、首次眼跳潜伏期、手动反应时和眼—手反应时差等指标。The depend variables are displacement error, first saccade latency, manual RT, and eye-hand RT.

文章进一步讨论了字词加工在眼跳目标选择环节中的作用。In this article, we further discussed the role of character-word procession in saccades targeting.

近些年来,很多研究对系列眼跳这一现象做了较为深入的探讨,但仍在很多问题上存在着争论。In recent years, lots of in-depth discussions on the phenomenon of multiple saccadic sequences were made.

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注意的性质对内源性眼跳与注意关系的影响。The effects of attention characteristics on the relationship between endogenous saccade and attention shift.

中文阅读眼动特征的评估参数主要包括注视点停留位置、眼跳、回视和注视时间等。In Chinese reading, the parameters of eye movement include viewing position, saccade, regression, fixation duration, etc.

眼跳对两边都是对称的。请注意,在这个年龄,该眼跳是眼睛和头联合的运动。Saccades to both sides are symmetric. Note that at this age, the saccades are combined movement of the eyes and the head.

我们的研究结果表明,产生微眼跳的神经回路本质上是与眼球有意运动的神经回路相同的。Our results show that the neural circuit for generating microsaccades is essentially the same as that for voluntary eye movements.

大局观维度存在兴趣区数目、回视次数、眼跳次数、注视次数和平均注视持续时间等五个眼动指标。There existed some difference in average fixation duration, fixation counts, saccade counts, run counts and interest area for global perspective.

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在此过程中,眼睛运动的眼跳速度、平均跳动时间、眼跳次数、平均注视时间、注视次数等参数也同样表现出了与反应时类似的旋转角度效应。During the processing, the current saccade average velocity and the current saccade duration etc had also analog mental rotation effect, that was equal with the RT.

对比色搭配被注视的机会较多,同色被注视的时间较长,在冷色调背景下眼跳距离较小。The contrast color matches has the opportunity which gazes more, the monochrome been gazing long, twitching of the eyelid is away from under the cold tone background slightly.

总体说来,高阅读策略组学生在阅读过程中对阅读材料的注视次数少、眼跳距离大、回视少。In briefly, students who show much more profitable strategies have less times of fixation and long distance of saccadic, their regressive times during the reading is fewer too.