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这是为自己们体育教师筹办地。It's for our P. E. teacher.

你筹办一小我私人住在这搭吗?Bre you gonna live here alone?

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自己们曾经做好啦筹办,迎接世博会这一嘉会!We are ready to meet the Expo this event!

而且不仅是世界杯的筹办工作。And not only in preparing for the World Cup.

我女儿的学校正在筹办一场街头派对.My daughter's school was organising a street party.

把90毫差额放入一个筹办好的容积100毫升的柱形筒里。Put 90 ml of water into a100 ml graduated cylinder.

我们学院负责筹办这次会议。Our college is to make arrangements for the meeting.

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尔本是第一个城市筹办奥运的。Melbourne was the first city to hold the Olympic Games.

临时市政局现正筹办第三届特聘作家计划。A third Writer-in-Residence programme is being organised.

那个会社筹办的这次舞会是上流社会活动。The ball organised by that club was a blue- blooded event.

我的同事每年筹办这个活动,工作多么繁重!My colleagues have so much work in hosting the event every year!

你的妈妈筹办为你买啥子生日礼品?。What kind of birthday gift are you going to buy for your mother?

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如有查询,请联络会议筹办商太古旅游有限公司。For enquiries, please contact our Conference Agent, Swire Travel Ltd.

本人们筹办谈一谈前次会上会商的问题。We are going to talk about the problem discussed at the last meeting.

男性会吹一泡巢时,他精心筹办产卵。The male will blow an elaborate bubble nest when he is ready to spawn.

女同学以工作——筹办义卖会庆祝妇女节。Coeds at the college hold a charity sale in celebration of Women's Day.

我们减少了工作时间,筹办了一个小型家庭企业。We cut back our working hours, and started a small home-based business.

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自己曾经找到啦培训班,筹办歇息地时间就去进修。I have found the training class, ready to the rest of the time to study.

我正在筹办计划于那个周六举办的我的婚礼。I was getting ready for my wedding, which was scheduled for that Saturday.

我们在伦敦有库存并筹办销售兼做代理。We keep a regular in London and turn into distributors furthermore agents.