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船出海航行。The ship put off to sea.

他们漂流出海。They drifted out to sea.

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船漂流出海。The boat drifted out to sea.

他第一次出海航行是1505年。He first went to sea in 1505.

您不出海捕鱼?Aren't you setting out fishing?

我们乘涨潮时出海。We put out to sea at high tide.

亚马孙河出海处宽约220英里。At its mouth it is 220 miles wide.

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他说礼拜一是他最后一次出海。His last run, he said, was Monday.

于是,在1659年,我又一次出海了。And so, in 1659, I went to sea again.

船巳购妥并装备好,正待出海。The ship is bought and ready for sea.

列出海斯曼奖杯最近的五名得主。Name the last five Heisman Trophy winners.

十年后,路飞真的出海了。Ten years later, Luffy went to sea really.

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我现在有时还会穿,不过仅仅是在出海时。I still wear it sometimes, but only at sea.

他们每天黎明时起航出海。They take their boat out every day at dawn.

我原来以为出海捕鱼是件很轻松的事情。I thought fishing on the sea was something easy.

出海鲛珠犹带水,满堂罗袖欲生寒。Sea shark beads of water, and ROM sleeve to cold.

那深深的叹息,不外乎表示出海伦的悲哀。That deep sigh could only express Helen's sadness.

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有朝一日要出海!三顽童举杯结兄弟!To The Sea Someday! The Pledge of the Three Brats!

他们各自有一艘船的时候,他们就可以出海捕鱼了。If they had a ship, they would launch out for fishing.

渔船是渔民出海捕鱼的主要工具。Fish boats are the main tools of fishing for fisherman.