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请明示哪张更准确。Please verify which one is more accurate.

本册并非一份默认或明示的合同。The brochure is not an implied or express contract.

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双方当事人的明示协议胜过法律。The express agreement of parties overcomes the law.

详细陈述不守约的明示的或暗示的承诺。Specify the real or implied commitment that was broken.

这似乎是在一开始,即已明示的问题。That seems to be the question already posed in this opening scene.

严禁乘坐明示处于非安全状态下的电梯。Never ride elevators that are clearly marked with un-safe condition.

合同还可以分为明示、事实默示和法律默示合同。A contract may also be express , implied-in-fact , or implied-in-law.

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在英国,法律的权威,明示或着暗示地,来自于议会。In UK the law derives its authority, expressly or impliedly, from Parliament.

在这一过程中,说话人首先在其活动中设置明示刺激。In this process, the speaker first sets up in his activity an ostensive stimulus.

我国现行法律中只承认明示保证,而无默示保证之规定。There are only express warranties, and no implied warranties in our country's law.

对基督徒而言,其他人视为失望的事物正是上帝道路的明示。What to others are disappointments are to believers intimations of the way of God.

口头证据规则适用于确定合同的明示条款的证据。The parol evidence rule applies to evidence as to the express terms of a contract are.

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但是,普遍存在的电脑病毒向人们明示了,当技术传播开来时将会发生什么事情。The ubiquity of computer viruses shows what can happen when technology gets distributed.

废止或断绝代理,可以明示或暗示处理。The revocation or renunciation of an agency may be made expressly or impliedly by conduct.

对探求明示的读者,这本书就如同用塞尔维亚克罗地亚语写的一样。For readers seeking illumination, this book might as well have been written in Serbo-Croatian.

所以,说得干脆些,我会向你展示李连杰的10大电影来明示为什么他够班成为一名“敢死队”。So, without further ado, I give you our top 10 movies that qualify Jet Li to be an Expendable.

而翻译作为一种交际行式是一个明示推理的认知过程。As one form of communication, translation is primarily an ostensive inferential cognitive process.

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请明示每个包裹里面的东西和价值以及退还者的名字和地址。Please state clearly the contents and value of each one, and the name and address of the returnee.

当经济学家呼吁推动“总需求”时,他们并不明示其真实含义。When economists call for boosting "aggregate demand, " they do not spell out what this really means.

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