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石灰可以在许多种土壤中找到。Lime exists in many soils.

农民给自己的土地施石灰肥料。The farmer limed his land.

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配菜同分一杯羹的石灰。Garnish with a slice of lime.

石灰已经粉了。The lime has turned to powder.

如果土壤酸度高则向土壤中加石灰。Add lime if the soil is acidic.

挤压石灰填补姜汁啤酒。Squeeze lime fill with ginger beer.

下来,坐在山四丘石灰。Down the hill sat four mounds of lime.

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石灰华是岩溶地貌的重要组成部分。Travertine is an important part in Karst.

在石灰华和钟乳石上进行攀爬。Amazing climbing on tufas and stalagtites.

灰浆由石灰、沙和水组成。Mortar is composed of lime, sand and water.

巨鼠的尸体会被焚烧或者用石灰掩埋。Rats' carcasses are burnt or buried in lime.

砸在白石灰写的汉字上。And hit the Chinese characters in white lime.

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行驶于石灰线上的空车正通过桥梁。The train was passing the bridge of lime line.

弄一筐石灰碴来替我堵上这窟窿。A hod of plaster for me to stop this hole with!

土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害。Lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants.

墙壁先抹上一层石灰打底子。The wall was first pricked up with a coat lime.

这些灌木必须要有酸性、无石灰的土壤。These shrubs must have an acid, lime-free soil.

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苦土石灰是一种不错的建筑用石灰。Magnesia lime is an ideal lime for construction.

我们要采购石灰华,石灰石和大理石。We want to buy Travertine, Limestone and Marble.

混合石灰汁与地面鼓槌吊舱和叶片。Mix lime juice with ground drumstick pods and leaves.