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文章全文分词连写。The paper has been written word-segmentedly.

实行中文分词连写确实具有必要性。Link writing for Chinese words has the necessity.

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教练在比赛前给队员们连写带画地讲解了一番。The coach gave his team a chalk talk before the game.

当然没有必要写,对三种构型连写三遍。exp and write that three times for each of these three.

难道约翰连写封感谢信这最起码的事也做不到?Can't John at least take the trouble to write a note of thanks?

连写的很多,我都不大认得出来。He writes mostly with linked strokes, that I can hardly distinguish.

当道连写完这封信后,他感觉自己已经被原谅了。When Dorian had finished the letter, he felt that he had been forgiven.

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写下自己的目标,然后专攻它,如果你连写下来都无法做到,它对你来说不过儿戏罢了。Write down your goal, and be specific. If you can't even write it down, you're not serious.

写下自己的目标,然后专攻它,如果你连写下来都无法做到,它对你来说不过儿戏罢了。Write down your goal, and be specific. If you can’t even write it down, you’re not serious.

再没有谎言,也没有情节,仍然是连写句,标点怪怪,那又怎么样?No more lying, no more melodrama, still run-on sentences still funny punctuation but so what.

这也是为什么一些快递员连写快递单、贴快递单都帮卖家做的原因了。This is why some express courier ligatures orders are posted to help express a single seller to do why.

它复杂的书写规则牵涉到辅音、元音、特殊符号、复合词和连写字符。It follows complex rules of layout involving consonants, vowels, special symbols, conjuncts and ligatures.

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如果小学阶段你搬过家,你或许已经彻底错过了一些不可或缺的课题,比如」连写」。If you moved house during your primary years you may have entirely missed some vital topic-joined-up writing, say.

这些文字的摆放规则涉及辅音、元音、特别符号、复合词和连写,非常复杂。These scripts follow complex rules of layout involving consonants, vowels, special symbols, conjuncts and ligatures.

不少家庭中,虽然计算机和手机是必要的,父母还是鼓励孩子连写这些传统的技能。In households, parents generally encourage the kids to practice the traditional skills while computers and mobiles are necessary.

本文阐述书面汉语分词连写的十大好处,并讨论一些实施方面的问题。This paper illustrates ten advantages of writing Chinese in word-segmention format, and includes a discussion of some techniques for doing this.

报纸的编辑和拥有者们连写什么都必须听命于国家,难道媒体已经被控制到了这种程度吗?Is the media controlled to this extent, that newspaper editors and owners are told what they can and can't print, from the national news circuits?

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用不超过80个单词的篇幅描述一下飞机起飞后发生的事情。用以下要点和连写出两段不同的文字。In not more than 80 words describe what happened from the moment the plane took off. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.

那时候,我已经学会了我的书法。我的连写体字母衔接得非常漂亮,比我那一年前歪歪扭扭的,潦草的字迹要好了很多。By that time, I had learned my penmanship. My cursive letters flowed in a fair, clean hand from my pen, far better than the crooked scrawl I had been using even a year before.

汉字由纵向书写改为横写形式之后,为汉字的连写提出不小的难题,尤其是行书的书写,横连方式成为书法表达值得探讨的问题。After the transformation from longitudinal writing to transverse writing, there was a very big problem of Chinese characters' stroke connection, especially the writing of Running Script.