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约翰上色。Photo by John Vachon.

我们会滑冰,你们会画画上色。We can skate and Youcan paint.

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我只是想做下磨光和上色。All I need is paint and polish.

希望可以看看你上色!Look forwards to your color pics.

表面无光泽的轨道被上色绿色。The Matte Track is colored green.

大多数服装是用染料上色的。Most clothing is colored with dyes.

他用蜡笔给画上色。He coloured the picture with crayon.

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加入蔬菜块拌炒至上色。Add the vegetable mirepoix and color.

添加线路,上色,一个蓝天使飞行员就展现在我们眼前了!Put some wires and color it. Here is a Bule pilot!

天然染料提取物用来给纤维上色。Natural dye extracts were used to colour the fabrics

要给这个形体上色,需要贴图。To bring colour to this shape, texturing is required.

然后,我在这上面用蜡笔轻轻地上色。I then crayoned very gently the colours on top of this.

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焦糖可以用来调味或上色,也可以用来涂抹在模具上。It is used as a flavoring or coloring, or for coating a mold.

本文提出了全新的复杂自然图像上色算法。We propose a novel natural complex image colorization algorithm.

经过平整和上色,车厢运送到烘干室。After flattening and painting a car is being ran to a drying room.

笔心柔滑流畅,易上色,线条持久,防水抗油。Its lead is soft and smooth, easy to color, lines could last long.

在上色前先在眼睑上扫上中性色彩的眼影。Before applying color, Jeanine preps the lid with a neutral shadow.

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我爸爸尤其擅长做些手工上色的小装饰品。My dad was specially adroit at making small hand-painted ornaments.

蕴含持久配方,质地温和易上色。Contain long-lasting formula, which is wild and easy to apply color.

手工上色,文化石表面颜色均匀,色泽、质地惟妙惟肖。Hand-painted, stone surface color evenly, color and texture vividly.