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这是首次提交委任书。This is the first nomination.

这是阿达哈的首次拜访。This was Adhar's first visit.

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这是他首次获得温网冠军。It's his first Wimbledon title.

首次的约会使他畏怯。He was daunted by his first date.

实现满刻度的首次展示。Implement the full-scale rollout.

下星期它就可以首次领圣餐了。Next week is his First Communion.

这是他首次生活在异国他乡。It’s his first time living abroad.

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我在1997年首次意识到这个问题。I first became aware of it in 1997.

这是她的首次奥斯卡提名。This is her first Oscar nomination.

客方1——这是你首次与两位主方人员见面。Visitor 2 —You already know Host 1.

上周首次申领失业救济金人数降至45万人。Claims dropped to 450,000 last week.

这是自2003年以来的首次增长。It is the first increase since 2003.

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首次亮相WTA年终总决赛First appearance at WTA Championships

这个“歌剧”是在一九七○年首次演出的。The opera was first produced in 1970.

首次申请CCEE长城认证。First applied the certificate of CCEE.

印度首次跻身前12位,取代了滑落至第14位的西班牙。It replaced Spain, which fell to 14th.

HHMI今天公布了首次获奖的13个人的名字。HHMI named the first 13 awardees today.

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在这里,他首次披露了全部经过。Here, for the first time, he tells all.

2000年以来,杭州首次遭遇倒春寒。It is the first cold spring since 2000.

这是首次由中国举办的博览会。It is the first expo operated by China.