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滑油日用系统注油清洗完毕。Flushing L. O. system of stern tube.

我们从井里抽水以供日用。We pump water from the well for daily use.

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从日用杂货到备忘录,我都会记下来。From groceries to reminders, it’s written down.

此店经售各种日用必需品。This shop sells a wide variety of daily necessities.

日用纺织品,珠,皮带,内胎及批量原料。Calendar fabric, beads, belts, inner tubes & batch stock.

主要出口工艺灯饰和家庭日用等一系列产品。We export mainly craft lightings and household necessity.

弟子绵延造了一个供她自已日用的实修法本。Disciple Mian Yan composed it for her own daily practices.

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离港前把日用油柜分满。Separate enough oil for the service tank before departure.

若是弟兄,或是姐妹,赤身露体,又缺了日用的饮食If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food

为我国日用化工开发了新的原料。New materials used in daily chemical industry were developed.

日用消费品的费用上涨了两倍。The costs of daily consumer goods have been hiked at two times.

特别设计的一般日用卫生棉,让您舒适一整天!Specially designed for day use, giving you comfort all day long!

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甘油和日用化工原料。欢迎新老客户光临!And we also sell the glycerol and the material of daily chemical.

海藻酸盐是日用化学工业中常用的原料之一。Alginates were common raw materials in domestic chemical industry.

公司的使命是成为日用化工产品的最佳供应商。Our mission is to become the best daily chemical products supplier.

建筑陶瓷、卫生陶瓷、日用瓷、特种陶瓷。Building ceramic, sanitary ceramic, daily-use ceramic, special ceramic.

产品广泛应用于高档涂料及日用化工行业。It can be used in high grade coating and chemical industry for daily use.

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在马蹄上擦一些日用的婴儿油,等大约一个小时或等到油吸收进去。Rub some up to date baby oil on them. Wait an hour or so for it to soak in.

主要销售各类瓦缸、日用陶瓷、园林陶瓷等产品。Sells all kinds of Wagang household ceramics garden ceramics other products.

日用杂品各大零售批发商店均有出售。Sundry goods for daily use are availaBle at large retail and wholesale stores.