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嶙峋的岬角突入海中…A rocky headland jutted into the sea.

一股清澈的山涧平稳的流过嶙峋的峡谷。A clear mountain stream flows steadily through a rocky defile.

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怪石嶙峋的卡西斯悬崖从地中海中拔地而起。The jagged cliffs of Cassis drop down to the Mediterranean Sea.

到处是山石嶙峋,密林峰巅,景色迷人。On every hand was a charming view of rocky buttresses and wooded heights.

海洋污染图片。涂石油的螃蟹死亡在岩石嶙峋的海滩地方在美国。Oil-coated crabs lie dead on a rocky beach somewhere in the United States.

古人认为它嶙峋的尖峰就像神仙和天兵。The ancients thought its jagged peaks resembled gods and heavenly guardians.

嶙峋的山峰上修凿了巨大的石阶,那是一个大型神庙的一部分。Carved into its craggy summit are massive steps, part of a major Inca shrine.

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波光嶙峋、鸽舞翩然,极好的解释了乐土的童话正题。Rippling water and cavorting pigeons perfectly depict the fairy tale theme of the park.

迪吉召集了一支伊渥克马队,前往哥拉克斯人所在的贫瘠嶙峋的荒原。Deej organized a caravan of Ewoks to voyage to the barren, rocky landscape of the Gorax.

她往往坐在石头上,环顾四周嶙峋的怪石以及被晚霞染红了的天空。She sat upon a stone and looked about her at the hard-featured rocks and the glowing sky.

一只饥饿的狼,饿得?骨嶙峋的,在一个月光皎洁的夜晚,偶然遇见了一只肥肥壮壮、喂养得很好的看家狗。A learn, hungry wolf chanced one moonshiny night to fall in with a plump, well-fed house dog.

每年十月,当最初的寒流来到的时候,威拉嶙峋的山峰,便盈满了白雪。The jagged peaks of the Verras become covered with snow during the first cold days of October.

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每年十月,当最初的寒流来到的时候,威拉嶙峋的山峰,便盈满了白雪。The jagged peaks of the verras become covered with snow during the first cold days of october.

荒凉不堪岩石嶙峋的边界之内,仿佛是囚禁地,是放逐的极限。Desolate eso within the boundary of the rocky coastlines, asing if is imprisoned, the limit of exile.

高原缓缓地倾斜下去,南边为一片露出地面的岩层,呈现出一种乱石嶙峋的地貌。The plateau sloped down, to the south, toward outcroppings of rock that gave the landscape a chaotic look.

经过一段汗流浃背的艰难跋涉,登上一处陡峭怪石嶙峋的斜坡,到达一块区域,就可以看到一组研究人员正忙着对树木进行测量。A sweaty trek up a steep, rocky slope leads to a spot where a team of researchers is busy measuring the trees.

在这片开阔地带的远处,矗立着一座双峰小山,它的两个嶙峋的峰顶在阳光下闪闪发光。On the far side of the open stood one of the hills, with two quaint, craggy peaks, shining vividly in the sun.

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怪石嶙峋的崖峰,牧场上的草汁,小马驹温暖的体味与我们共为一家。The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man all belong to the same family.

四个拔地而起的尖塔宛如许多空洞攒成的蜂巢,展现出嶙峋风骨的同时,它们还担负着支架的作用。Four soaring steeples are honeycombed with cavities, revealing them to be the bony skeleton of support they are.

这里实在是太漂亮了……可以看到长城的壮丽景色,美丽的天然水潭,怪石嶙峋还有瀑布。We had a really great afternoon walking around as it's such a beautiful place and a real must-see when in Beijing.