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他感到很难在聚会上与人攀谈。He finds it hard to mix at parties.

“他们很喜欢你,你知道,”他攀谈道。They like you, you know, " he said conversationally."

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我坐在旋转椅上,扭过身,和吉姆攀谈了起来。I spun around in my swivel chair and chatted with Jim.

迎面走来一个风趣的人,和他/她进行攀谈。When an interesting person comes along, have a conversation.

海啸发生一个星期后,我再次来到了海边,跟她攀谈。A week after the tsunami, once again I went to talk to the sea.

在舞会上,一个姑娘主动和那个百万富翁攀谈起来。In the dancing party,a young girl latched onto the millionaire.

我停好车子,走上前去,开始和这对年长的夫妇攀谈起来。I parked my car, walked up and began talking with the older couple.

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他们希望这种专家能帮忙改善自己攀谈的技巧。They hoped this expertise might help improve their chat-up technique.

他们俨然如老相识一样亲密无间地攀谈了。They conversed with the familiarity of a long-established acquaintance.

你要晓得红眼睛阿义是去盘盘底细的,他却和他攀谈了。You know, Red-eye went to sound him out, but he started chatting with him.

我通常是最先与陌生人攀谈的人。C. I'm usually the first person to strike up a conversation with strangers.

我在那里等了好一会儿,后来有一位陌生人同我攀谈。I had been waiting there some little time, when I was accosted by a stranger.

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这一天,他无暇与其他海鸥攀谈,只是不停地飞,直到黄昏。He spared no time that day for talk with other gulls, but flew on past sunset.

他向王同志作了自我介绍,想同他攀谈。He introduced himself to Comrade Wang, hoping to enter into conversation with him.

他们发现老人能听懂他们的语言,于是就和老人攀谈了起来。They found that he knew their language and they had a little conversation with him.

后来的两个月里,我走走停停,观察形形色色的人,也和他们攀谈,回来记录下所见所闻。I spent the next two months walking around, observing, talking to people, and writing.

在这样一个小圈子里,原本缄默的柳儿很快与我们攀谈起来。In such a small group the formerly quiet Willow began to quickly come out of her shell.

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他在我旁边坐下,我看他模样像个穷苦人家,显得既疲倦又焦虑,便和他攀谈起来。He sat down near me, and I began to talk to him, for he looked poor and tired and anxious.

但在一同就会有困难的状况,特殊是假如我们不克不及攀谈。But in a relationship there will allways be tough situations especially if we can not talk.

有一天,当他在孝武村外的公路上散步时,一位年轻的妇女主动走过去和他攀谈。One day while walking on a motor highway near the village of Siaowu, a girl beckoned to him.