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他是个老学究。He's an old pedant.

学究铸造新学说。The academics forging new theories.

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她总是表现出学究式的思想方法。She's always shown an academic turn of mind.

学究们藐视教育,但教育却是有益的。Pedants sneer at an education, which is useful.

为什么要让学究们破坏了我们的游戏?Why should pedants be allowed to spoil the game?

这大都是一些孤立的,学究式的文件。These were mostly detached and scholarly documents.

语文老师是个老学究。一天午饭后我上厕所,碰到了。I get on a toilet after a day of lunch, came up against.

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他具有智慧的一切光辉,却没有丝毫学究的迂腐气息。He had all the illumination of wisdom and none of its pedantry.

那些遍及全球的研究纳博科夫的古怪学究们吵得不亦乐乎。The eccentric, worldwide fraternity of Nabokov scholars had a field day.

他们在处理典型问题时和经院派学究相差甚微。They deviated little from the scholastics in tackling the standard problems.

他向世人证明这种教条般的学究风格虽犹如古董,但并没消亡。He proves that the old-school style of coding may be antique but isn’t extinct.

你是个只会夸夸其谈的学究,亲爱的伙计。The old pedant used so many archaisms that half of what he said was unintelligible.

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如果这看起来像是学究的官样文章,那么想想苹果的信徒是如何看待世界的。If that sounds like academic gobbledygook, consider how Apple devotees see the world.

就让那些“老油条”们认为我是一个“老学究”,似乎是一种逃离这一规则的方式。It should be better that the sophisticates believe I'm just a pedant and innocent in promoting.

⊙、一本正经地对待消遣和刻板地追求学问,结果就会成为一个学究。Seriously treat recreation and precisely the pursuit of knowledge, the result will be a pedant.

考虑到“人本学”是一门哲学基础理论,所以对它的概念分析更加具有学究意味。Considering "Humanism"is a basic theory of philosphy, the analysis of the conception is more academic.

虽然是一名虔诚的天主教徒,他却有着儒雅的学究气息,平日不但写写俳句而且乐于阅读莎士比亚的书籍。He is a devout Catholic with mild, donnish quirks. He writes haiku poems and reads Shakespeare for pleasure.

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吉格斯就是这样的老学究,他认为这将是一场精彩的比赛。Giggs himself is one such player and he can see several other exponents of the beautiful game in the current Spurs squad.

在影片中再没有比用戏剧里那种模仿生活以及学究般感伤主义的故作自然腔调更刺耳虚假的了。Nothing rings more false in a film than that natural tone of the theater copying life and traced over studied sentiments.

但这一点也可以用来反驳那些过去在西方人文研究方面的权威学究。But that charge could also be laid against the pedagogues who used to dominate the study of the humanities in the Western world.