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但日本的前车之鉴表明了没有什么事是不可避免的。But the lesson of Japan is that nothing is inevitable.

我们有着金融和汽车行业的前车之鉴。We have the example of the banking system and the car industry.

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他的论点之一完全扫清了他人的前车之鉴。One of the voices utterly mops the floor with all of the others.

最近的一个前车之鉴是1982到2000年的大牛市。A recent example was the long-running bull market from 1982 through 2000.

有了这样的前车之鉴,麦当劳后来开始试用新油时,没有告知消费者。So when the company later began testing new oils, it didn't tell consumers.

事情可能是这个样子的,你整个人生的意义就是做别人的前车之鉴。It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

巴黎的拉德芳斯和上海浦东的陆家嘴应该成为我们的前车之鉴。Let us always remember the lesson of La Defense in Paris and Lujiazui In Pudong, Shanghai.

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既然有了这前车之鉴,今天的政策制定者为何想受这二茬罪呢?Given this history, why would policy makers want to put on another fiscal hair shirt today?

她的政府将撰写贷款条款,有希腊和爱尔兰的前车之鉴,相信那些条款读起来不会很令人愉悦。If the examples of Greece and Ireland are anything to go by, it will not make pleasant reading.

我们纪念这一天,是因为我们不忘前车之鉴的历史教训,指引我们走向未来。We mark this day because we Chinese always believe historical lessons can be a guide to our future.

事实上,整个发展趋势就是根据当前情况来推测将来风险的前车之鉴。Indeed, the whole exercise is a warning of the risks of extrapolating the future from present trends.

将来还会有更多,但是组办单位坚持加宽会场的通道以利通行,因为有上年的交通堵塞为前车之鉴。More would have come, but the organisers insisted on widening the corridors after last year' s gridlock.

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但是芙蓉姐姐被推手恶推的前车之鉴,大家都看到了,现在她还有别的路可以选吗?But Sister Furong pushed evil hands pushing a lesson, we can all see now, she had no other way for the election?

雷帕霉素会抑制免疫系统的活动,可能因此造成感染和死亡的风险,在这方面已经有过严重的前车之鉴。Rapamycin suppresses the immune system and carries strong warnings about the resulting risk of infections and death.

选举日日渐临近,民主党更加担心失业率的影响,是有前车之鉴的。There is plenty of history to illustrate why Democrats are worried about the jobless rate as the election draws near.

我是过来人,为什么她就是听不进我的前车之鉴呢?I survived them so why shouldn't she listen to me and take in the knowledge that I had from the experiences of my past.

他们也是核国家,有核武器并不意味着可以胡作非为。已经有核国家奔溃的前车之鉴。They are also N-power. having N-power does mean u can do anything. there are calapse a country even though its N-power.

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当然,丹特尼还要处理好和纽约媒体的关系,布朗和托马斯是前车之鉴。Certainly, Dan Turney also wants to process with New York media relations, Brown and Tomas is learns from another's mistakes.

他们的行为也会提醒我在做决定的时候注意前车之鉴。Their oblivious behavior reminds me to question the daily decisions I make in my own life and make sure I'm learning from past experiences.

有通用汽车的前车之鉴在先,福特的设计师和工程师们无疑会另辟捷径,在避免弹尽粮绝的前提下,开发出不同凡响的林肯豪华车。Having watched GM, Ford's designers and engineers no doubt are exploring ways to create a more luxurious Lincoln, without breaking the bank.