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抗体是怎样识别抗原的呢How do they recognize it?

它们粘附在抗原――抗体复合物上。They bind to antigen--antibody complexes.

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你自身细胞的碎片也是抗原Pieces of your own cells are antigens as well.

这些抗原同MHC1一起表达Those antigens get expressed together with MHC1.

只用一部分病毒,就是其具有抗原性的部分Just use a piece, an antigenic piece of the virus.

表达产物具有良好的抗原性。The expressed product shows a specific antigenicity.

是一种对抗原性刺激的无应答状态。A state of unresponsiveness to antigenic stimulation.

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肿瘤免疫治疗的核心是肿瘤抗原问题。And the focus of tumor immunotherapy is tumor antigen.

这个抗体分子就具有强大的抗原结合能力This is a very potent molecule for binding to antigen.

在欧洲,我们e抗原阳性的患者很少。We have very few HBeAg positive patients here in Europe.

于是,我开始尝试分离这些专属于癌症的抗原。I began trying to isolate these cancer-specific antigens.

NK细胞表面表达非抗原特异性的受体。NK cell has antigen-non-specific receptors on its surface.

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它们结合在那些,激活了抗体产生的抗原之上They bind to the antigen that stimulated their production.

抗原与致敏的肥大细胞表面互相作用。Antigen interacts with the surface of sensitized mast cells.

这种分子就是免疫学家所说的抗原。Such molecules are referred to by immunologists as antigens.

免疫反应之记忆性需要长期暴露于抗原吗?Does immunologic memory require chronic exposure to antigens?

目的探讨简便的检测囊虫抗原的方法。Aim To find a convenient method to detect cysticercus-antigen.

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并与血清癌胚抗原水平进行比较。And compared with the serum level of carcinoembryonic antigen.

本文用化学方法合成孔雀石绿完全抗原。Malachite green paper chemically synthesized complete antigen.

将这种抗原接种到一个人的体内,比如接种到我的体内You introduce that antigen into a person, into me for example.